10 weeks academic stay

EGA International


Разписание на класа

Продължителност на класа
10 седмици
Начални дати
Всеки понеделник (26 авг - 04 ное)
Учебни дни
понеделник - петък
Училищни ваканции
20 дек 2024 - 08 яну 2025

EGA не предлага обучение по време на почивните дни изброени отгоре. Училището не предлага компенсация за тези дни, така че бъдете сигурни, че внимателно сте избрали началната дата.

Учебно време

You can choose from the following class times:

Сутрешна сесия
8:30 - 15:00

Програмата на класа може да бъде променена според заетостта и сезона.

Описание на курса

10 Weeks Academic Program is suitable for all young teens from the ages of 11 to 17 years.
EGA International´s policy is to place our students into class groups matching ages, levels and learning abilities.
All course material is prepared by our Inhouse Director of Studies and new and revised material is added every year.
Modern technology is used during tuition.
All course participants receive at the end of their program a class evaluation on their progress and a family report on the students behaviour and effort made towards English language improvement.
All our selected host families have been supervised and carefully selected by our CEO who is in charge and has the final responsability of choosing the correct house family. This method has been done for more than 30 years, which gives EGA International and his host families the recognition it has actually to watch the wellfaire of our students.

Ниво на класа

Минимално ниво на английски език Предварително междинни

Брой студенти в клас

Средно 16 студенти
Максимално 26 студенти

Възраст на студента

Възраст 11 - 17 години
Средно 14 години


В края на курса ще Ви бъде издаден сертификат за завършване.
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  • EGA International 1/7
  • EGA International 2/7
  • EGA International 3/7
  • EGA International 4/7
  • EGA International 5/7
  • EGA International 6/7
  • EGA International 7/7


!school предлага следните видове настаняване:

Домашен престой - Единична стая - Закуска, обяд и вечеря

463 лева

Homestay - Single-person room - Breakfast, lunch, and dinner

Възраст: 10 - 17 години
Населено място: In the city center of Киларни
Вид настаняване: Домашен престой
Вид стая: Единична стая
Вид хранене: Закуска, обяд и вечеря (21 хранения на седмица)
Учебна база: Кухня, пране, телефон, компютри, безжичен интернет, безплатен интернет, телевизионна зала, 24/7 надзор, градина, и спортни съоръжения
Разстояние до училище: 7 - 25 минути с shuttle
Наличност: януари - декември
Ден на пристигане: неделя, по всяко време
Ден на заминаване: събота, преди 12:00
463 лева
EGA International offers you a complete immersion English program living full board in a select private family home. We carefully match individual preferences and hobbies between the incoming student and the local host family. This is a fundamental component of a total immersion Homestay Course - as a clean, comfortable and happy home atmosphere is vital for learning and advancement. This course is only suitable for students.
All our families participate in the learning and welfare of our students and have all the information needed before their students arrrive with a 24/7 support from the director during the students stay. The town is rich in culture and heritage situated in the National Park of Killarney. Killarney is a safe and friendly town with good holiday facilities.

Домашен престой - Единична стая - Закуска, обяд и вечеря

463 лева

Junior Homestay - Single-person room - Breakfast, lunch, and dinner

Възраст: 10 - 17 години
Населено място: In the city center of Киларни
Вид настаняване: Домашен престой
Вид стая: Единична стая
Вид хранене: Закуска, обяд и вечеря (21 хранения на седмица)
Учебна база: Кухня, пране, телефон, компютри, безжичен интернет, безплатен интернет, телевизионна зала, 24/7 надзор, градина, и спортни съоръжения
Разстояние до училище: 7 - 25 минути с shuttle
Наличност: януари - декември
Ден на пристигане: неделя, по всяко време
Ден на заминаване: събота, преди 12:00
463 лева
EGA International offers you a complete immersion English program living full board in a select private family home. We carefully match individual preferences and hobbies between the incoming student and the local host family. This is a fundamental component of a total immersion Homestay Course - as a clean, comfortable and happy home atmosphere is vital for learning and advancement. This course is only suitable for students.
All our families participate in the learning and welfare of our students and have all the information needed before their students arrrive with a 24/7 support from the director during the students stay. The town is rich in culture and heritage situated in the National Park of Killarney. Killarney is a safe and friendly town with good holiday facilities.

With carefully selected hospitable and experienced host families.

Full board: breakfast, packed lunch, dinner and snack before bedtime.
ALWAYS individual room
ALWAYS with an Irish `brother´ or `sister´ of the similar age and with the same hobbies as our student.
Only one student of any nationality is placed in a family unless an alternative arrangement is requested.
Families interact with the students and guarantee improvement in English.

Once classes and activities are finished, the students are taken back home to their families by private transport organised by EGA. Living with the family is the best option for practising English and learning about local culture and traditions. The family homes are spread over a wide area making it almost impossible to meet students of the same nationality.

Our families are responsible for the entertainment of the student and weekend planning. Our students are always placed in the same house with an Irish brother / sister of the similar age and with the same hobbies. The families will have constant interaction with the student and they will always be treated as a member of the family.

Помощ за виза

Не можем да кандидатстваме за виза от името на студентите.

Полети и транспорт от летището

Please note that we do not book flights for our students. If you are researching airfare costs, we recommend using Kayak.com, a search engine that lets you compare flight options from your home country to Киларни based on your budget, schedule and preferences.

Пътническа застраховка

Обучението в чужбина е безпроблемно с покритието на застраховките здравна и лични вещи от Language International. Когато резервирате курс при нас, можете да изберете да закупите международен план на застраховка, който обхваща не само стойността на лечението, но и загуба на лични вещи. Трябва да резервирате застраховката си когато се регистрирате.

Научете повече за нашия застрахователен план »

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