CCSE Exam Preparation

Don Quijote: Cadiz


Теми на курса

Слушане, Говорейки, произношение, четене, писане, речник и граматика

Разписание на класа

Продължителност на класа
1-52 седмици
Начални дати
Всеки понеделник
Занятия седмично
30 lessons per week (всеки урок продължава 45 мин.)
Учебни дни
понеделник - петък
Училищни ваканции
07 окт 2024, 12 окт 2024, 01 ное 2024, 06 дек 2024, 08 дек 2024, 25 дек 2024, 01 яну 2025, 06 яну 2025, 03 фев 2025, 28 фев 2025, 17 апр 2025, 18 апр 2025, 01 май 2025, 15 авг 2025, 07 окт 2025, 12 окт 2025, 01 ное 2025, 06 дек 2025, 08 дек 2025, 25 дек 2025

Don Quijote не предлага обучение по време на почивните дни изброени отгоре. Училището не предлага компенсация за тези дни, така че бъдете сигурни, че внимателно сте избрали началната дата.

Програмата на класа може да бъде променена според заетостта и сезона.

Описание на курса

You can take the CCSE exam at don Quijote facilities and our staff will assist you with the enrollment and will provide information and tips about the exam preparation.

Before taking the exam, we will help you all along the online enrollment process and will provide you with information about the dates, exam composition and preparation material.

In addition, don Quijote is certified as an official DELE preparation and exam center. Therefore, as DELE certificate is required in order to get the Spanish citizenship too, you can also take one of our DELE preparation courses at which we have +95% of success rate. All our teachers are examiners.

The Constitutional and Sociocultural knowledge of Spain test consists of 25 questions whose contect is organized in two main sections: Government, legislation and citizen participation in Spain and Culture and history.

10 questions about the Government, powers and institutions of the State, fundamental laws and mechanisms for citizen participation. Knowledge about rights and duties that Spain citizenship implies.
3 questions about the Government, powers and institutions of the State, fundamental laws and mechanisms for citizen participation. Knowledge about the citizenship solicitation and the rights and duties that it implies.
2 questions about the territorial organization and political and physical geography of Spain.
3 questions about Spanish art, traditions, culture and relevant historic events.
7 questions about different aspects of daily life and society's behaviour. Knowledge about administrative procedures in Spain.

Questions have a variable lenght of 20-40 words and are of multiple choice (three different options) and true/false kind. The test is in paper.

In order to pass the exam, at least 15 questions out of 25 (60%) must be answered correctly. The results are published at the Instituto Cervantes' online platform in a 20-day period after the test is taken.

Exam and registration fees are not included. Prices range per level from € 85 to € 235.

Exam dates 2025: 30/01, 27/02, 27/03, 24/04, 29/05, 26/06, 31/07, 25/09, 30/10, 27/11.

Ниво на класа

Всички нива, от начинаещи до напреднали
През първият Ви учебен ден ще държите тест, който да определи нивото Ви и Вашия клас. Можете също така да вземат този тест преди пристигането си Кадиз.

Брой студенти в клас

Средно 6 студенти
Максимално 12 студенти

Възраст на студента

Възраст 18 години и по-възрастни


В края на курса ще Ви бъде издаден сертификат за завършване.
Прочетете още...


  • Don Quijote: Cadiz 1/2
  • Don Quijote: Cadiz 2/2


!school предлага следните видове настаняване:

Домашен престой - 2 души в обща стая - Закуска и вечеря

579 лева

Homestay,Double room (Half Board)

Възраст: 14 години и по-възрастни
Вид настаняване: Домашен престой
Вид стая: 2 души в обща стая
Вид хранене: Закуска и вечеря (14 хранения на седмица)
Учебна база: Пране
Разстояние до училище: 1 - 20 минути
Наличност: януари - декември
Ден на пристигане: неделя, по всяко време
Ден на заминаване: събота, по всяко време
579 лева
Home stays offer you a unique opportunity to experience Spanish or Latin American life while living in the home of a local Spanish speaking family. You'll speak Spanish all day long, out of necessity and fun and interest in the family life you see unfolding around you. Accommodation in a host family allows you to get the most out of your language course as it gives you a privileged view of daily life in another culture.

About home stay:

Your host "family" may be a family with parents and children or a single parent who takes in students because he or she enjoys the company. You wouldn't be the first to go out on the town together, or to keep in contact with your family after your return home.

You'll eat at local hours - usually later than what you may be accustomed to- and you'll eat local foods, although the family will take your preferences into account as much as possible.
You will be given your own house keys, so you can come and go as you please. You will also be able to receive phone calls at the family home.

Домашен престой - 2 души в обща стая - Закуска, обяд и вечеря

621 лева

Homestay,Double room (Full Board)

Възраст: 14 години и по-възрастни
Вид настаняване: Домашен престой
Вид стая: 2 души в обща стая
Вид хранене: Закуска, обяд и вечеря (21 хранения на седмица)
Учебна база: Пране
Разстояние до училище: 1 - 20 минути
Наличност: януари - декември
Ден на пристигане: неделя, по всяко време
Ден на заминаване: събота, по всяко време
621 лева
Home stays offer you a unique opportunity to experience Spanish or Latin American life while living in the home of a local Spanish speaking family. You'll speak Spanish all day long, out of necessity and fun and interest in the family life you see unfolding around you. Accommodation in a host family allows you to get the most out of your language course as it gives you a privileged view of daily life in another culture.

About home stay:

Your host "family" may be a family with parents and children or a single parent who takes in students because he or she enjoys the company. You wouldn't be the first to go out on the town together, or to keep in contact with your family after your return home.

You'll eat at local hours - usually later than what you may be accustomed to- and you'll eat local foods, although the family will take your preferences into account as much as possible.
You will be given your own house keys, so you can come and go as you please. You will also be able to receive phone calls at the family home.

Домашен престой - Единична стая - Закуска и вечеря

663 лева

Homestay,Single room (Half Board)

Възраст: 14 години и по-възрастни
Вид настаняване: Домашен престой
Вид стая: Единична стая
Вид хранене: Закуска и вечеря (14 хранения на седмица)
Учебна база: Пране
Разстояние до училище: 1 - 20 минути
Наличност: януари - декември
Ден на пристигане: неделя, по всяко време
Ден на заминаване: събота, по всяко време
663 лева
Home stays offer you a unique opportunity to experience Spanish or Latin American life while living in the home of a local Spanish speaking family. You'll speak Spanish all day long, out of necessity and fun and interest in the family life you see unfolding around you. Accommodation in a host family allows you to get the most out of your language course as it gives you a privileged view of daily life in another culture.

About home stay:

Your host "family" may be a family with parents and children or a single parent who takes in students because he or she enjoys the company. You wouldn't be the first to go out on the town together, or to keep in contact with your family after your return home.

You'll eat at local hours - usually later than what you may be accustomed to- and you'll eat local foods, although the family will take your preferences into account as much as possible.
You will be given your own house keys, so you can come and go as you please. You will also be able to receive phone calls at the family home.

Домашен престой - Единична стая - Закуска, обяд и вечеря

705 лева

Homestay, Single room (Full Board)

Възраст: 14 години и по-възрастни
Вид настаняване: Домашен престой
Вид стая: Единична стая
Вид хранене: Закуска, обяд и вечеря (21 хранения на седмица)
Учебна база: Пране
Разстояние до училище: 1 - 20 минути
Наличност: януари - декември
Ден на пристигане: неделя, по всяко време
Ден на заминаване: събота, по всяко време
705 лева
Home stays offer you a unique opportunity to experience Spanish or Latin American life while living in the home of a local Spanish speaking family. You'll speak Spanish all day long, out of necessity and fun and interest in the family life you see unfolding around you. Accommodation in a host family allows you to get the most out of your language course as it gives you a privileged view of daily life in another culture.

About home stay:

Your host "family" may be a family with parents and children or a single parent who takes in students because he or she enjoys the company. You wouldn't be the first to go out on the town together, or to keep in contact with your family after your return home.

You'll eat at local hours - usually later than what you may be accustomed to- and you'll eat local foods, although the family will take your preferences into account as much as possible.
You will be given your own house keys, so you can come and go as you please. You will also be able to receive phone calls at the family home.

Апартамент - 2 души в обща стая - Без храна

335 лева

Regular Shared Apartment,Double room (No meals)

Възраст: 14 години и по-възрастни
Вид настаняване: Общ апартамент
Вид стая: 2 души в обща стая
Вид хранене: Без храна
Учебна база: Пране
Разстояние до училище: 1 - 20 минути
Наличност: януари - декември
Ден на пристигане: неделя, по всяко време
Ден на заминаване: събота, по всяко време
335 лева
You can choose to share a student apartment with four or five don Quijote students. In a student apartment you'll prepare your own meals and interact with don Quijote students of all ages and backgrounds. We recommend you make a pact about speaking Spanish in the apartment; other shared languages often take students away from Spanish language practice.

About shared student apartments:

Although the student apartments are not very luxurious, they include all the basic facilities: a bed, table or desk, chair and a closet wardrobe.
Each student apartment has a living room with TV, a fully equipped kitchen, a washing machine and an iron.
No telephones are available in student flats; we suggest you use public telephones or local calling centers.
You share the kitchen and the bathroom and, together, keep the house clean.

Апартамент - Единична стая - Без храна

545 лева

Regular Shared Apartment, Single room (No meals)

Възраст: 14 години и по-възрастни
Вид настаняване: Общ апартамент
Вид стая: Единична стая
Вид хранене: Без храна
Учебна база: Пране
Разстояние до училище: 1 - 20 минути
Наличност: януари - декември
Ден на пристигане: неделя, по всяко време
Ден на заминаване: събота, по всяко време
545 лева
You can choose to share a student apartment with four or five don Quijote students. In a student apartment you'll prepare your own meals and interact with don Quijote students of all ages and backgrounds. We recommend you make a pact about speaking Spanish in the apartment; other shared languages often take students away from Spanish language practice.

About shared student apartments:

Although the student apartments are not very luxurious, they include all the basic facilities: a bed, table or desk, chair and a closet wardrobe.
Each student apartment has a living room with TV, a fully equipped kitchen, a washing machine and an iron.
No telephones are available in student flats; we suggest you use public telephones or local calling centers.
You share the kitchen and the bathroom and, together, keep the house clean.

Помощ за виза

Не можем да кандидатстваме за виза от името на студентите, но училището може да Ви осигури цялата документация, от която се нуждаете.

Вашето писмо за приемане ще получите по пощата без допълнителни такси. Ако желаете да получите документи си по експресна поща, ще трябва да заплатите 185 €, когато се регистрирате.

Полети и транспорт от летището

Please note that we do not book flights for our students. If you are researching airfare costs, we recommend using, a search engine that lets you compare flight options from your home country to Кадиз based on your budget, schedule and preferences.

Пътническа застраховка

Обучението в чужбина е безпроблемно с покритието на застраховките здравна и лични вещи от Language International. Когато резервирате курс при нас, можете да изберете да закупите международен план на застраховка, който обхваща не само стойността на лечението, но и загуба на лични вещи. Трябва да резервирате застраховката си когато се регистрирате.

Научете повече за нашия застрахователен план »

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