Centro Catalina Spanish School Cartagena
Calle de los 7 infantes #9-21 San Diego, Cartagena de Indias, Bolívar Centro Historico, Colombia
Centro Catalina Spanish School Cartagena
Слушане, Говорейки, произношение, четене, писане, речник, граматика и дейности
You can choose from the following class times:
Програмата на класа може да бъде променена според заетостта и сезона.
The Centro Catalina Spanish school offers their students the possibility to prepare for the DELE (Diploma de español como lengua extranjera) within the idyllic marc of the Colombian‘s Caribe. There are actually 6 levels for this course the common European reference (A1/A2, B1/B2, C1/C2). This test is recognized worldwide.
The students participate to the standard course in the morning (09:00 to 12.40) and then to a specific training during the afternoons for the DELE preparation test. The duration of the course varies depending on the level of Spanish the student has and of course the kind of diploma he or she would like to have. We propose different packages: the first one is composed of 40 lessons in 2 weeks, then you have the possibility of 60 lessons in 3 weeks, 4 weeks 80 lessons and 6 weeks 120 lessons.We work with a very specialized pedagogic material for the preparation of the DELE.
Средно | 2 студенти |
Максимално | 4 студенти |
Възраст | 18 години и по-възрастни |
Средно | 30 години |
Нашето испанско училище е разположено в красива колониална къща от 16-ти век и предлага всички необходими помещения, за да даде на испанските класове достъп до интернет, малка библиотека, видеопроектори, използване на аудио материали, както и телевизор / DVD плейър, който е Тъй като ние сме малко училище, то ни дава предимството да имаме както приятелска атмосфера, така и високо професионална атмосфера на обучение, която позволява на учениците и учителите да се опознаят взаимно, което постига по-добър обмен между културите. и успеха на езиковото обучение.
Нашите групови курсове са динамични, мултикултурни и приятни с ученици от цял свят. По-голямата част от нашите студенти идват от Канада, Австралия, САЩ, Холандия, Швейцария и Германия. Средната възраст е между 18 и 35 години. Въпреки това, също така е много често срещаните възрастни хора на възраст между 50 и 65 години, които не само се интересуват от изучаването на испанския език, но и от колумбийската и южноамериканската култура. Нашите групи са малки с максимум 6 участника в клас и ние се стремим да имаме постоянен и успешен диалог между учениците и учителя. Всеки урок продължава 45 минути с прекъсване от 15 минути между часовете. Има три различни нива за курс: начинаещи, средни и напреднали. При пристигането си, студентът ще направи входящ тест за определяне на нивото.
Различните националности и възрасти в Centro Catalina Spanish School Cartagena varies варират според периода, курса и нивото. През годината средната възраст е 30. През лятото средната възраст е 30.
В училището се обучават студенти от цял свят, включително
Centro Catalina Cartagena не предлага обучение по време на почивните дни изброени отдолу. Училището не предлага компенсация за тези дни, така че бъдете сигурни, че внимателно сте избрали началната дата.
Нашето испанско училище се намира в престижния район на стария град на Картахена.
Centro Catalina е испанско училище, разположено в сърцето на старата част на Картахена де Индиас, само на една пресечка от известния площад Санто Доминго и хотела Санта Тереза. Нашето испанско училище е разположено в красива колониална къща от 16-ти век и предлага всички необходими помещения, за да даде на испанските класове достъп до интернет, малка библиотека, видеопроектори, използване на аудио материали, както и телевизор / DVD плейър, който е Тъй като ние сме малко училище, това ни дава предимството да имаме както приятелска атмосфера, така и високо професионална атмосфера на обучение, която позволява на учениците и учителите да се опознаят взаимно, което постига по-добър обмен между културите и по-добър успех на езиковото обучение.
Because the school was very busy, my classes were all at the Alliance Francaise so I cannot comment on the classroom.
The classes
At times the information seemed to leap forward without some of the lessons fully sink in. More practice before moving ahead would have helped.
I feel that I did come away with a lot more Spanish than I had to start.
Kayla was helpful and full of energy. I am not sure that she fully understood when students were struggling nor how to help them.
Location was great very central.
I addended just two of the events - dance classes were really fun and a good way to meet other students. The Saturday trip to Carnavale was really badly organized - left late, we did not know where the buses were
+Die Klassengrössen waren optimal
+Die Lehrpersonen waren angenehm, offen und zu meist motiviert
+Die Ausstattung der Klassenzimmer waren in Ordnung
+Die Location liegt in einem zentralen und ruhigen Ort (Obwohl eine Bausstelle im Nebengebäude war)
+/- Die Aktivitäten waren meist interessant jedoch etwas redundant für die Personen, die etwas länger vor Ort sind (Animator ist relativ neu und braucht noch etwas Erfahrung oder Unterstützung)
-Bei Personen die länger vor Ort sind kann es vorkommen, dass Schulstoff wiederholt wird, weil es zu wenig unterschiedliche
Klassen-Niveaus existieren (Auch gar nicht möglich aus Sicht der vorhanden Ressourcen).
I stayed there for 4 weeks and achieved Level B1 after just starting with the Spanish language. The teachers were all very young and extremely friendly. Apart from the great classes in the morning with 5 to 9 students (9 was a bit too much) I also had class in the afternoon which helped me a lot to improve my speaking skills. Now I am able to have a good conversation in Spanish and use my learnings. I would recommend Centro Catalina to everyone who wants to learn Spanish and enjoy the Caribbean breeze with a good Colombian vibe. The afternoon/evening activities were very nice and I could connect with other students as well as practicing my Spanish.
Покажи подробности » Прочетете още...Friendly interactive course with a motivated group
Покажи подробности » Прочетете още...Do not attend this school if you already know some Spanish and are looking to learn more. Let's start with the fact that there are no books so you don't know what you are studying, where you are going, or where you have been. Classes are basically conversation. I found that beginners with no Spanish progressed rapidly for about two weeks. Those of us with more experience, to a person, felt that we learned little and were frustrated. I started in class with two young men who had been studying intensively at the school ( morning and afternoon) for 6 weeks. They were just starting to conjugate irregular verbs in the preterite (simple past), In 4 weeks at other schools I had already done the present, preterite, imperfect, conditional and future tenses. I went to more classes to learn more about the imperfect and conditional, and made that clear to the teachers. That did not happen and in fact I think I speak less now than before I went to Centro Catalina. This is not the fault of my teacher who was great. It is the system.
With respect to accommodations, as it turned out, my roommate and I were the only students with air conditioning (other than a few who did home stays and paid extra for it). I don't think I would have survived without it. Our apartment was lovely, with an ocean view and a pool. But the location wasn't great. It was not near any other students and we were the only students in the building. Also, the internet did not work for most of the time we were there and we had to complain every day before it was fixed. Further, the apartment was poorly maintained. All it would have taken was a screwdriver and some WD40 to fix most of it, but in the time I was there the lock to my roommate's bedroom broke and she was locked out, the handle in the shower broke, most of the cabinets needed tightening, the lock to the front door stuck several times, the tv never worked and one plug stopped working.
What the school excelled at was activities. Due mostly to their social director the school was fun. There were tours, tastings and David had weekly BBQs at the School-owned house. David went out with the students most nights dancing, drinking, seeing the sites and truly made the school seem like a family. Further, it was a great group of students from around the world.
I'm really happy with my experience at Centro Catalina. The school is very well organised, has plenty of students (in March, we were between 25 and 40 students) to split into small group with homogeneous levels. Teachers were really good, structured and organised. The team is lovely. The school is well located in the touristic centre of Cartagena (perfect spot for an extended stay, with beautiful historic city, fab weather, lovely fruits). I studied there for 2 weeks but could easily have done 3 or 4 if I had time. Some social activities are offered for the afternoons.
Покажи подробности » Прочетете още...The instructors were very knowledgeable, professional, and really made you feel welcome. The planning of the lessons was very logical and was a good mix of new material and repetition/games to help cement in the material previously learned.
Покажи подробности » Прочетете още...I studied Spanish for three weeks, and in my opinion, everything was perfect.
Покажи подробности » Прочетете още...Everything was perfectly arranged. It was in a good location, very central. They had a nice patio where a hammock was present, and there was a canteen where you could get fresh orange juice every day. The staff was very cheerful, very kind. They had a house cat which created a warm feeling. The classrooms were fine. The teachers were good. They wanted to help with everything. What I did find annoying was that some teachers did not speak English. It was hard when you did not understand what she explained.
Furthermore, the family was very sweet. Less than in Bogotá, much less involved. Everyone had his / her own life. They spoke no English and my Spanish was not at the right level for the right to speak so it was hard to communicate. The mother of the house was super sweet. It was a nice apartment, good room, and good facilities. Everything was all right.
I liked Wilson very much. He was a good teacher and was very friendly. I learned vocabulary and verbs.
I liked Ray because he was friendly, but he did not speak too much. There were many exercises. The better it was for all.
Juliet was a very good but very shy teacher. David was very sympathetic and he organized many things.
The one thing I did not like much was the North Sea because there was noise as the windows were open. The building is a bit far too. It was very windy by the windows. There was no hot water at the shower, but the cleaning lady was very friendly and the kitchen had many things.
I plan to go back next year but not to the North Sea.
A thousand kisses to all,
Well, the staff is great, and so is the location and the school. I really loved the activities that the school provide, such as bike riding, movies, etc.
But I don't think the test is efficient, 1 page of test and 3 questions are not able to fit me in the right level, and even after when I moved level, I don't think the teacher was pay attention if I was on the right level, less or more advanced of the other students.
The first teacher I had was amazing, really dynamic and with several activity that made everything so easy and efficient.
The others teachers don't seem like they have a methodology to teach, each day treats a different thing, and I had the same subject repeated over and over again.
Spite of the messy line of learning, I had my Spanish improved a lot.
Other thing that made me very uncomfortable at school, is that there were a lot of students from the same country that kept speaking in their own language at school, in class, in activities. You never know if they are talking or laughing at you, besides, how can we practice if they are always speaking other languages?
It should have a policy of Spanish only at school.
I had a great time in Cartagena with the teachers, the class and the several activities I joined. My homestay family was just lovely and I can only recommend of doing that wich helps you to improve your speaking Spanish. Cartagena as well is a lovely city and you can easily spend a few weeks there without getting bored. Overall a great experience!
Покажи подробности » Прочетете още...School has a very good and safe location. It is right in the old city and not too far from house location. There are many choices when it comes to transportation in Cartagena and they are not too expensive. School and teachers left overall an excellent impression. They were always very pleasant, accommodating, often with a great attitude and smile on their faces. My special recognition and thanks to Mr. Andres and Mr. Jorge for their professionalism and friendly approach. There were plenty of different types of activities each week, something for everyone. Hosting family was very welcoming, friendly and helpful. The only suggestion is to have in option (additional charge) an AC in the room when choosing a hosting family.
Покажи подробности » Прочетете още...The teachers of the school are great! Sindy especially! They are welcoming, nice and very good at their jobs. I am a teacher myself and it is clear that they know what they are doing!
There are too few levels and that means that a lot of people of very different levels are put together in the same class. When I was there we had a group of Americans from a college there to do a summer course. Their grammar knowledge is very good as they have been studying spanish for a long time at college. They do, however, have no real training in language use and it became quite frustrating trying to have real speed conversations with them. Maybe this could give an idea as to what you could do in terms of differentiating.
The housing I have already reviewed before I left the school. My host mother was unwelcoming, gave us hardly anything to eat for breakfast and we (me and the girl I shared family with) were not satisfied.
Cartagena is a beautiful city and I loved it. Would be happy to come back if I could be more challenged in the language next time.
Семействата, в които се настаняват студентите са внимателно подбрани. Те дават възможност на студентите да опознаят местната култура в комфортна обстановка по време на изучаването на Испански в Картахена де Индианс. Тези домове обикновено са на разстояние от около 15 - 15 минути с обществен транспорт до училището. Семействата предлгат хранително меню, което Ви позволява да опитате местната кухня. Ако имате специални изисквания към храната поради религиозни или здравословни причини, моля да ни уведомите предварително. Вашето настаняване е валидно от неделята преди първия Ви учебен ден до събота след последния Ви ден на занятия, освен ако не е отбелязано друго. Научете повече за настаняването в семейства
Homestay - Single-person room - Breakfast
Студентските общежития са подходящи за независими студенти, които търсят добри битови условия на изгодна цена. Всички студенти трябва да бъдат на 18 - 100, освен ако не е отбелязано друго. Вашето настаняване е валидно от неделята преди първия Ви учебен ден до събота след последния Ви ден на занятия, освен ако не е отбелязано друго. При тях обикновено не се включва хранене. Научете повече за настаняването в студентски общежития
Student residence (off-campus) - Single-person room - No meals
Възможно е по време на престоя Ви в Картахена де Индианс да наемете апартамент, но обикновено е доста по-скъпо. Centro Catalina Cartagena предлага помощ при наемането на апртамент или може да потърсите сами. Научете повече за настаняването в апартамент
Shared apartment - single rooms
Private apartment - Single-person room - No meals
Centro Catalina Cartagena предлага помощ с наемането на стая в хотел и хостел или може да направите резервация сами. Научете повече за настаняването в хостел
Hostel - Single-person room - Breakfast
Не можем да кандидатстваме за виза от името на студентите, но училището може да Ви осигури цялата документация, от която се нуждаете.
Вашето писмо за приемане ще получите по пощата без допълнителни такси.
Please note that we do not book flights for our students. If you are researching airfare costs, we recommend using Kayak.com, a search engine that lets you compare flight options from your home country to Картахена де Индианс based on your budget, schedule and preferences.
Обучението в чужбина е безпроблемно с покритието на застраховките здравна и лични вещи от Language International. Когато резервирате курс при нас, можете да изберете да закупите международен план на застраховка, който обхваща не само стойността на лечението, но и загуба на лични вещи. Трябва да резервирате застраховката си когато се регистрирате.
Имате въпроси? Получете отговори от училищния персонал и предишните студенти.
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