English in Margate
The Towers, Hawley Square, Margate, Kent CT9 1PH, UK
English in Margate
Слушане, Говорейки, произношение, четене, писане, речник, граматика и дейности
Програмата на класа може да бъде променена според заетостта и сезона.
The Intensive Course consists of General English in the mornings (as specified for the Standard Course) and a choice of either "Skills for Social Interactions, Travel & Work" or "Business English". This "Lifeskills" or "Business English" approach in the afternoons enables a varied course programme catering to particular needs and preferences. Please note that the "Business English" option is available from a minimum number of 6 students and requires a minimum of B1 level.
Средно | 8 студенти |
Максимално | 12 студенти |
Възраст | 16 години и по-възрастни |
Средно | 25 години (29 през лятото) |
Нашите курсове по английски език за възрастни се провеждат през цялата година и могат да бъдат с всякаква продължителност - от една седмица до една година. Няма фиксирани дати за курса (с изключение на курсовете за подготовка за изпитите и английски за начинаещи) и можете да започнете всеки понеделник. Ние предлагаме уроци по английски на всички нива, от елементарни до напреднали. Средният размер на класа е 8 ученика, а максимумът е 12.
Можете да избирате между четири основни курса: Стандартният курс по английски е само сутрин, а интензивният курс по английски е както сутрин, така и следобед. Предлагаме и курс за подготовка за изпити за IELTS, FCE и CAE. Нашият личен курс по английски е за тези, които искат бързи резултати и специална програма, специално разработена за тях, докато нашият курс по комбиниране предлага това в следобедните часове, както и в нашия стандартен курс в утринните часове. възрастни през цялата година.
Предлагаме и допълнения към курса: индивидуални курсове по английски език, тест на BULATS по време на престоя ви, работни обяди с учител и нашата екскурзия за откриване на градината на Англия.
Всички наши курсове по английски език са предназначени да отговорят на нуждите на нашите възрастни студенти - независимо дали те се нуждаят от английски за работа, за пътуване, за изпит по английски език или само за удоволствие.
Всички наши учители са подходящо квалифицирани. Те разполагат с редица академични ресурси, поддръжка и архивиране, за да изпълнят нашите курсови програми в класната стая. Много от тях са преподавали английски в други страни и имат допълнителен опит и умения.
Различните националности и възрасти в English in Margate varies варират според периода, курса и нивото. През годината средната възраст е 25. През лятото средната възраст е 29.
EiM не предлага обучение по време на почивните дни изброени отдолу. Училището не предлага компенсация за тези дни, така че бъдете сигурни, че внимателно сте избрали началната дата.
Училището се намира в близост до парк в центъра на града и се помещава в красива сграда от 19-ти век. Близо до жп гарата, той е само на няколко минути пеша от центъра на града, местните удобства и плажа.
Margate е прекрасен морски град на източния бряг на Кент и е добре свързан с Лондон (1 час и 30 минути с влак с висока скорост), Кентърбъри (30 минути с влак) и пристанището на Дувър (30 минути с влак).
Маргейт е част от остров Танет (приблизително 134 000 души), оживен и слънчев полуостров с три основни града: Маргейт (60 000 души), Рамсгейт (40 000 души) и Броудстеърс (25 000).
I would definitely recommend this school to anyone wanting to improve their English while having a great time. I had an awesome experience, with the social program being one of the best part. I met people from different countries, as there were new students each week, and made great friends. The school has excellent teachers, who really helped me in my preparation for my IELTS exam, and I was really pleased with my grade. In additional to that, my host family was lovely- always taking care of me and helping me with my English at dinner.
Покажи подробности » Прочетете още...I was doing the "Work Experience" programme at EIM School for 9 weeks, which includes the morning in class and the afternoon working with the staff in the school.
The class was well-organised with students from different countries. It's good to have this heterogeneity of cultures and ages. I changed teachers 4 times. I liked it because it showed new teaching methods to learn the language.
When I was working in the office, I carried out various tasks. It improved my English language skills a lot, as I spoke with native English persons and had a normal conversation about work in the office. This kind of work in my internship has brought me a lot of knowledge about attendance, punctuality and regularity. I learnt more about time management and team working.
I was assisting the office manager in the daily running of the office; my duties were “Supporting the Academic Management Team”. My main mission in the school office was to take care of the monitoring of students with special software. I also had to create folders based courses for teachers.
This experience was very rewarding and allowed me to rub shoulders with other students as well as members of the school staff to communicate in English.
I was accommodated in a lovely host family, at 10 minutes’ walk from the school.
Activities were very well prepared by Dave, the social assistant who does his best to keep the students happy and comfortable in the school. The Hawley Club is a great place with lively music for students to meet, chat, have fun and make friends during breaks, at lunchtime and in the afternoons and evenings. Each student can take part in the proposed activities (movies, games, table tennis, football, etc). The group 'English in Margate' offers many activities during free time and gives useful addresses for sports. The outputs bowling, tennis, salsa also allowed me to practice English.
The school also allowed me to visit towns and cities around Margate, especially on Saturdays. You just simply register on a list to participate in the output. With this system, I visited lots of nice towns on the seafront.
I would definitely repeat this internship with pleasure if the opportunity was available.
English in Margate is a small English language school situated in a cute house in the city of Margate. There are many rooms for different levels. In the self-studying room you can find a lot of resources. You can use it there or borrow it for your homework. The lecturers are very friendly and well-organized. The Hawley Club is a good place to meet other students, to check your mails and to relax. Several activities are offered every day and the time was over too quickly ;-( I'm really glad to have chosen this language school for my English course.
Покажи подробности » Прочетете още...I had a very good time in Margate. Although Clinftonville is a bit rundown, the area (and especially the coast) is beautiful, even in October.
I made a lot of good friends at the school and the atmosphere is really enjoyable.
The teachers are very friendly and the lessons are interesting. I made a lot of progress during my stay.
The last point (but not least). I really enjoyed the activities in the school and the Hawley Club! The trips, salsa, and evenings in the Hawley Club are good to practice our English in a relaxed way.
I think that the classroom can be small, I really like Felicitas, I think she's a very good teacher, the other teachers are good. The location is good but I don't like the town, The school is very well located. It's next to my house, to the shops and to the beach. I think there is not really a good facilities, for example the wifi isn't everywhere in the school even in the Hawley Club, there is not wifi next to the bar. Moreover there isn't a printer for students. I think there are good activities, but it's repetitive for someone who stayed a long time like me.
The housing is excellent, my host parents are very nice and the accommodation is very good.
It was a very good experience, I'm absolutely satisfied. I stayed for three weeks.
I have known a lot of foreign people.
But I don't like the program of the lessons, because I studied many times the future form and I've not never studied the past form.
I think that the study program could be improvement.
Classes were very small for a lot of people :) but it's OK. Teachers are very good. I was very satisfied. The place was very nice because it is very near the sea and near the city center. My host family was very very very nice people and the house was very good!
Покажи подробности » Прочетете още...My experience is very interesting.
The classes are different, a lot of things and activities very good.
The house family is a brilliant family.
The holy club is a brilliant idea, it is different and you get to know a lot of people around the world.
The teachers are close to the people.
Margate is an easy town.
Before starting University to study English, I wanted to find something special for summer and thought I could combine holiday and practice of English.
I found English in Margate and decided to apply to do the Work Experience. Not only this school gives you English lessons but it also offers you lessons in return for your work in the school. For me that was the perfect opportunity. Moreover the fact that the school works with trustworthy host families thanks to the Accommodation Manager was really reassuring.
When I arrived in Margate I was surprised by the warm welcome of my host family and immediately felt at home.
Even more surprising was the atmosphere in the school. Everyone was lovely and willing to help you. You soon feel really comfortable.
When it comes to the lessons, it's brilliant. The teachers are amazing and they really want you to progress. It was a real pleasure to go the lessons thanks to them and also the other students. Indeed it's a small school where you easily make friends with people from all over the world with their own language and their own culture. Everyone comes with a friendly attitude and a great motivation and that's why we improve our English really quickly.
Working in the school was also such a great experience. You learn a lot and the staff is really helpful. I didn't only work because I had to do it, I genuinely enjoyed it and I was really committed. And that's because English in Margate is not only a school where nothing happens apart from the lessons. A lot of activities and trips are organized for the students. They can gather in the Hawley Club in the school, to get to know each other and have good time. During the summer, there are also social assistants who make sure that you enjoy every aspect of your stay in Margate and its surroundings.
That's why I highly recommend this school, English in Margate. I had one of the best experience of my life thanks to the amazing staff, my lovely host family and all the fabulous friends I made their. Leaving was heartbreaking but I'm definitely going back there in the future for another wonderful experience.
I think my English improved a lot and I have much more confidence when I have to speak!
Thank you for everything!!
Семействата, в които се настаняват студентите са внимателно подбрани. Те дават възможност на студентите да опознаят местната култура в комфортна обстановка по време на изучаването на Английски в Маргейт. Тези домове обикновено са на разстояние от около 5 - 25 минути с обществен транспорт до училището. Семействата предлгат хранително меню, което Ви позволява да опитате местната кухня. Ако имате специални изисквания към храната поради религиозни или здравословни причини, моля да ни уведомите предварително. Вашето настаняване е валидно от неделята преди първия Ви учебен ден до събота след последния Ви ден на занятия, освен ако не е отбелязано друго. Научете повече за настаняването в семейства
Homestay - Single room - Breakfast and dinner on weekdays, 3 meals on weekends
Executive Homestay - Private Bathroom - Single room - Breakfast and dinner on weekdays, 3 meals on weekends
Не можем да кандидатстваме за виза от името на студентите, но училището може да Ви осигури цялата документация, от която се нуждаете.
Ако образованието Ви във Великобритания продължи повече от 11 месеца, ще получите регистрационен номер, наричан Потвърждение за приемане за обучение (CAS), който заедно със заявлението Ви за виза трябва да предоставите в посолството на Великобритания. Студенти, които успешно са резервирали езиков курс и са платили таксите, ще получат CAS от EiM. Моля, обърнете внимание, че според закона на Великобритания CAS може да се издава само на студенти, които възнамеряват да изучават английски език за 11 или повече месеца.
Ако образованието Ви във Великобритания продължи до 11 месеца, ще трябва да кандидатствате за специална виза наричана Студентска посетителска виза (Student Visitor Visa). Като студент-посетител няма да можете да работите почасово по време на обучението. Ако имате намерение да учите във Великобритания за период до 11 месеца ще получите писмо за приемане по пощата без допълнителни такси. Ако желаете да получите документи си по експресна поща, ще трябва да заплатите £ 80, когато се регистрирате.
Научете повече за това как да получите виза за Великобритания »
Please note that we do not book flights for our students. If you are researching airfare costs, we recommend using Kayak.com, a search engine that lets you compare flight options from your home country to Маргейт based on your budget, schedule and preferences.
Обучението в чужбина е безпроблемно с покритието на застраховките здравна и лични вещи от Language International. Когато резервирате курс при нас, можете да изберете да закупите международен план на застраховка, който обхваща не само стойността на лечението, но и загуба на лични вещи. Трябва да резервирате застраховката си когато се регистрирате.
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