Andrioti School
33 Alkinoou Str, Corfu, GR-49100, Greece
Andrioti School
Слушане, Говорейки, произношение, четене, писане, речник, граматика и дейности
Andrioti School не предлага обучение по време на почивните дни изброени отгоре. Училището не предлага компенсация за тези дни, така че бъдете сигурни, че внимателно сте избрали началната дата.
Програмата на класа може да бъде променена според заетостта и сезона.
This is a short yet intensive introductory course in Modern Greek Language and Culture. Let us help you gain insight into one of the world’s oldest languages and cultures. Although attention is paid to conversational language, students will familiarize themselves with the written form of the language and will be able to read short texts by the end of the course.
Course fees include:
Cultural Seminar
There's the option to supplement your course with:
Walking city tour
Greek dinner and coffee
Средно | 5 студенти |
Максимално | 8 студенти |
Възраст | 18 години и по-възрастни |
Средно | 40 години (50 през лятото) |
Andrioti School предлага качествени езикови курсове от 1977 г. насам. Нашият уважаван екип от преподаватели, нашата топла и приятелска училищна среда и редица курсове, които предлагаме, със сигурност ще направят вашата почивка незабравима. Изберете между английски или гръцки езикови курсове, културни или литературни семинари, или позволете на децата си да се присъединят към специалните ни ваканционни курсове.
Основната ни цел в училището Andrioti е да гарантираме, че получавате възможно най-висок стандарт на обучение в приятелска среда; искаме да ви помогнем да развиете доверието и уменията да мислите и да използвате целевия език. Освен че разработват свои собствени материали за клас, учителите използват и широк избор от международни учебници и други учебни ресурси и използват най-съвременни технологии, за да допълнят своите класове. Като малка организация можем да се концентрираме върху вашите индивидуални нужди и да разработим курс, който да отговаря на вашите нужди и интереси. Ние също ще бъдем там, за да ви помогнем не само с вашите часове, но и с всякакви условия за настаняване и развлекателни дейности, от които се нуждаете.
Вълнуващи новини! Нашето училище се превърна в официален изпитен център за придобиване на сертификат за гръцки език, един от само девет в страната и 130 в света!
С гордост можем да кажем, че сме официално акредитирани като Център за обучение през целия живот, което означава, че ще разширим списъка си с курсове, включващи професионални и лични семинари за развитие.
Посетете Корфу. Учете с Andrioti School. Насладете се на приятна почивка!
Различните националности и възрасти в Andrioti School varies варират според периода, курса и нивото. През годината средната възраст е 40. През лятото средната възраст е 50.
В училището се обучават студенти от цял свят, включително
не предлага обучение по време на почивните дни изброени отдолу. Училището не предлага компенсация за тези дни, така че бъдете сигурни, че внимателно сте избрали началната дата.
Andrioti School се намира в очарователното и тихо предградие на град Корфу, Гарица, на минута пеша от живописния залив Гарица. Той е в непосредствена близост до историческия център на града и на минути от летището, което го прави лесно достъпен за всички.
That was a great experience. Every morning we had 4 hours of english, this activities were mainly based on conversation.
It's a small school with a lot of kindness.
We were 8 persons in my group from differents countrys.
Lessons began with a review of vocabulary and grammar.
I really enjoyed the outdoor classes, courses were based on Greek culture. The teacher was very nice.
It's easy to get to the scholl from the airport and it's easy to find accomodation. The population is very welcoming.
The course was enjoyable, adapted to my level.
The teacher was competent and kind and open to my suggestions.
Mine was a one-to-one course and this gave me the opportunity to deepen my awareness and focus on my weak points.
The other school staff I dealt with also gave me a friendly welcome.
The location was also good
Lina was perfect, she knew exactly where myself & the other student was in the Greek language. She adapted the lessons to our needs. She gave us plenty of opportunity to engage in subjects we were interested in. She offered a good mix of grammar, reading, writing, speaking and listening.
Lina was always patient, courteous and made lessons fun and very relevant.
I really feel to have improved my Greek and would absolutely recommend the Greek in a week course to anyone interested.
I enjoyed the outdoor lessons the most. The small class size was very helpful for me. I found it great that we didn't learn much from books but more by talking. Kasia was a great teacher, always in a good mood and even got me to talk a lot without attracting attention :-)
Покажи подробности » Прочетете още...I recommend the Andrioti School! I learned a lot and was able to improve my language skills.
The teachers gave us an informative and educational week with commitment and joy. And we had a lot of fun!
The class size was perfect, internationally mixed and also very suitable in terms of age.
I would like to come back to Corfu and visit the Andrioti School again. Big compliments to Kasja, our teacher!
Ich hatte eine excelente, sympatische und tolle Lehrerin (Niki) mit Privatstunden. Sie unterrichtete individuell nach meinen Bedürfnissen und in meinem Tempo. Ich schätzte sehr, dass Sie nicht nur nach Lehrplan unterrichtete, sondern meine Fragen und Wünsche zu 100% berücksichtigte. Patrizia (Owner) war sehr aufmerksam, kompetent, sympatisch und berücksichtigte ebenfalls alle Wünsche meinerseits. Die Schule (sehr zentral gelegen, top Lage) ist gepflegt, sauber, gut dokumentiert mit Unterlagen. Auch Stundenanspassungen wurden berücksichtigt und der Kontakt zu den anderen Studenten fand auch statt. Sogar ein gemeinsamer Ausflug zur Übung in der Praxis wurde angeboten.
Покажи подробности » Прочетете още...Classes from 9-11 were a suitable start in the day, and fitted my learning capacity in this one-to-one student-teacher setting. The local facilities were clean and well kept. The school seems to provide mostly classes for those who speak Greek quite well and now seek the A1 and/or A2 level exams also in reading/ writing, for working permission purposes. The location was 10 minutes by foot from my (privately organized) lodging in Garitsa, another 2 min from the seaside and 10 to Corfu center for relaxing after class. As for activities after class, I am not aware if there were any. As I had some (rather) basic knowledge of Greek, the one-to-one student-teacher option fitted very well . Thank you to the school for an intensive week.
To become more fluent, I would have loved to be teamed up with a Greek-person wishing to learn English or German, after class or the following week. ….
The classrooms are bright and friendly, the whole school is very welcoming and personal, no large classes, individual teaching, excellent equipment. The school is easily accessible in the wonderful town of Corfu
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Dear Gisela,
We would like to thank you for choosing our school for your course. It's been an absolute pleasure to meet you and teach you! Do come back soon!
I had initially signed for an intermediate group class, but, unfortunately, when I got to Corfu, I was informed that the other members of the group had cancelled last minute, which didn't feel like a good start. However, the teacher, Vassilki, really did all her best to compensate for that and I received private lessons during the whole week which really helped me advance more quickly than I probably would have in the group. She really understood my needs and provided a lot of information which will help me in the future. I maybe missed having more of a chance to speak with people at my level. The last part every morning was dedicated to Greek culture lectures, but since the rest of the students were from the starting level, they had to be done in English, while I would have liked to have a bit more of Greek there too. Still, they were very enjoyable, the same as the full day cultural trip we did in Corfu town, including a lovely lunch by the sea. In all, I have to say that it was a lovely experience, even if it was not exactly what I had signed for. I would certainly recommend Andrioti school for Greek courses in a beautiful environment such as Corfu.
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Thank you Simon! At Andrioti School we do our utmost to help students advance their skills while having an enjoyable break on the island. Being a boutique school means we can cater for each student's study needs and aims.
It was lovely meeting you and I hope we see you again in one of our next courses.
Να περνάς πολύ καλά!
The classes are well equipped and the excellent and friendly teachers make the lessons very understandable and so interesting that a course is definitely worth ist.
The location and the equipment fit well.
The City tour was also a highlight in the "School week".
My hotel was not far from the school an so within a short time on foot easily accessible.
Franz it was a pleasure having you in our class! I'm glad you enjoyed your time in Corfu and Andrioti School. I do hope we see you again soon! Keep up the great work!
I very much enjoyed the course I undertook at Andrioti School and found it a useful introduction to Greek language
Покажи подробности » Прочетете още...Thank you Tracey! It's been great meeting you! I''m glad we've been able to help you with starting off this journey to Greek language & culture!
Teachers fine. Maybe more small dialogue, because the level of the 'students' was different, but then the adjustment was quickly done. Location fine, facilities adeguate, activities very interesting, housing I took care by myself.
As I said, I would have liked to have the possibility to use the Greek language with the others and the teachers in small dialogues.
Thank you for your constructive feedback! We do hope we see you again in one of our future courses!
I had a great experience . The teacher was very qualified
She had the ability to speak mostly Greek but integrating just enough English
to make sure that everyone in the class was following.
It was challenging but rewarding. I realized my understanding is much better.
The school is very professional and personal at the same time.
The day out was also fabulous. I live in Corfu for a couple of years but yet rediscovered the magic of the Old Town .
That was a gift
Thank you
I would come again for more intensive
Chantal Oei
Thank you for the review! We do hope we see you in one of our classes again soon! Keep practising!
Everything was really good. My congratulations to Andrioti School. Excellent !!!!!!!!!
Покажи подробности » Прочетете още...Υοu've been an absolute pleasure to teach! Looking forward to seeing you again in the near future!
My young teacher was a very nice and competent person who explained the complicated Greek grammar in a way which is easily understood. The lessons were interesting and varied. As there were no other students at that time I took classes because of the season, there were no social activities which I missed but which is understandable. I am very pleased to have improved my language skills in one week.
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Adelheid has been a pleasure to meet and teach!
Thank you for your kind words. Your passion for learning and your hard work has been an inspiration to us all! We hope to see you again soon in one of our summer programmes so that you can enjoy all the extra activities we organise for our students!
The few days I spent at Andrioti School were lovely. The location of the school is at the center so walking to and from the town was convenient, and the classrooms were very clean and well equipped. The staff I met couldn't have been nicer.
We had morning sessions with a small group which worked well, although the group's abilities seemed quite mixed.
We covered quite a lot of grammar and I would like to continue my studies by leaning to use more varied vocabulary, perhaps through sentence construction and repeating exercises, to make my overall conversation skills better.
All in all, it was a really happy place to study.
Thank you for your kind words! We look forward to welcoming you to our school again soon!
I spent two weeks there, the first week being private lessons with Vasiliki, and on the second week was a cultural class given by Vasiliki.
The private lessons went very well. Our objective was to understand more of the conjugation of Greek verbs, and this was achieved. It helped a lot that Vasiliki was willing to read and correct the small compositions I made to exercise my new knowledge.
The second week was very enjoyable, but less useful for learning Greek. This was partly because the class members had such different prior experience since the course was intended to be as much cultural as language learning, and because there was insufficient class participation. I suggested to Vasiliki that she should increase the participation, and she tried to do so.
I think that finding ways of getting more class participation is the key to turning your good teaching into excellent. Even having class members simply read a text is better than letting them sit as passive recipients.
Thank you for your constructive feedback Tony! I hope we'll see you both again in the near future. Till then ...
Teachers were all very friendly, loving and caring. My daughter liked all of them. At the age of seven she managed to make friends with other children at school. Now she really enjoys writing letters to them and even sends presents to them.
The atmosphere was really friendly there!
The location was perfect as the school is situated within walking distance from the historical center of the town and you can get there easily by bus from any part of the island.
The classrooms were modern and air-conditioned. There is a library and you can borrow any book you like there.
We attended Open Days in June, 2015 and we took part in different activities. They offered different variations and levels of the language.
I have never seen such teachers! The teachers who love children so much!
Thank you for your positive feedback! I do hope we can teach your daughter again soon!
I am fully satisfied.
Excellent method and high professionalism. Courteous and helpfull teachers.
Thank you for your kind words Andrea! I'm glad you enjoyed your course with us!
They had a very professional and organized approach. The teachers were very good and the structure of the teaching was very rewarding. It helped me improve my English standard and prepared me for the high standard academic English I was going to follow during the first year of my studies in England. The location was very near my home. The staff was polite and helpful.
Покажи подробности » Прочетете още...Thank you for your kind words! It's been a pleasure to teach you!
Не можем да кандидатстваме за виза от името на студентите, но училището може да Ви осигури цялата документация, от която се нуждаете.
Вашето писмо за приемане ще получите по пощата без допълнителни такси.
Please note that we do not book flights for our students. If you are researching airfare costs, we recommend using, a search engine that lets you compare flight options from your home country to Corfu based on your budget, schedule and preferences.
Обучението в чужбина е безпроблемно с покритието на застраховките здравна и лични вещи от Language International. Когато резервирате курс при нас, можете да изберете да закупите международен план на застраховка, който обхваща не само стойността на лечението, но и загуба на лични вещи. Трябва да резервирате застраховката си когато се регистрирате.
Имате въпроси? Получете отговори от училищния персонал и предишните студенти.
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