Latin Dances or Flamenco (8 classes per week)

Don Quijote: Salamanca


Теми на курса


Разписание на класа

Продължителност на класа
1-52 седмици
Начални дати
Всеки понеделник
Занятия седмично
8 lessons per week (всеки урок продължава 45 мин.)
Учебни дни
понеделник - петък
Училищни ваканции
12 окт 2024, 01 ное 2024, 06 дек 2024, 08 дек 2024, 25 дек 2024, 01 яну 2025, 06 яну 2025, 17 апр 2025, 18 апр 2025, 23 апр 2025, 01 май 2025, 12 юни 2025, 15 авг 2025, 08 сеп 2025, 12 окт 2025, 01 ное 2025, 06 дек 2025, 08 дек 2025, 25 дек 2025

Don Quijote не предлага обучение по време на почивните дни изброени отгоре. Училището не предлага компенсация за тези дни, така че бъдете сигурни, че внимателно сте избрали началната дата.

Учебно време

You can choose from the following class times:

Следобедна сесия
14:00 - 18:00
Вечерна сесия
18:00 - 22:00

Програмата на класа може да бъде променена според заетостта и сезона.

Описание на курса

Taking flamenco classes in Spain is an ideal way to compliment your Spanish course. Flamenco is an internationally recognized art form that was declared an Intangible Cultural Heritage of Humanity by UNESCO in 2010.

Originating in Andalusia, flamenco origins can be traced back to the fusion of various musical styles by the gypsies who have propelled the preservation and dissemination of flamenco around the world.

The flamenco course in Spain will introduce students to the song, dance and music that make up this artistic expression. Discover the passion and wide range of emotions that are expressed by the performer through complex techniques of foot stomping and hand clapping.

The flamenco course is taught at an academy by professional flamenco dance teachers who will adapt to your dance level whether you have studied flamenco in the past or not. The content is flexible and can be adapted to students' schedules and language level.

don Quijote offers salsa dancing classes as an extracurricular course so that our students can embrace one of the most famous dances in the world and immerse themselves in the local rhythm.

Originating from a fusion of Cuban and Caribbean styles, over time salsa has incorporated African percussion, American jazz, the Spanish guitar and other Latin American influences. The result is a dynamic, spicy, energetic and intense music that can also be slow, sensual and romantic. Salsa is normally danced with a partner but can also be danced alone.

The term “salsa” is an umbrella term used to describe many different genres of salsa including mambo, guaracha, son montuno, bolero and chachachá from Cuba as well as many non-Cuban beats such as bomba, plena, merengue and cumbia. Salsa is is highly known throughout the world, especially in Latin America and the United States. It has also become widely popular in countries like Germany, Israel, Spain, Japan, Portugal, France, Italy, and many more.

The salsa course will be taught by a professional dance teacher and will adapt to the students’ dance and Spanish levels. Please note that salsa dance lessons are often given in the late evening and soft-soled comfortable shoes are required.

Ниво на класа

Всички нива, от начинаещи до напреднали
През първият Ви учебен ден ще държите тест, който да определи нивото Ви и Вашия клас. Можете също така да вземат този тест преди пристигането си Саламанка.

Брой студенти в клас

Средно 6 студенти
Максимално 8 студенти

Възраст на студента

Възраст 18 години и по-възрастни


В края на курса ще Ви бъде издаден сертификат за завършване.
Прочетете още...


  • Don Quijote: Salamanca 1/10
  • Вход към Don Quijote: Salamanca 2/10
  • Сграда на Don Quijote: Salamanca 3/10
  • Студенти от Don Quijote: Salamanca 4/10
  • Classes at Don Quijote: Salamanca 5/10
  • Компютърна зала в Don Quijote: Salamanca 6/10
  • City of Саламанка 7/10
  • Учители и персонал на Don Quijote: Salamanca 8/10
  • Допълнителни занимания предлагани от Don Quijote: Salamanca 9/10
  • Вътрешен коридор в Don Quijote: Salamanca 10/10


100% препоръчително

според 7 мнения
5 звезди
4 звезди
3 звезди
2 звезди
1 звезда
Качество на обучението
Учебна база
Социални занимания
Местонахождение на училището

"Teaching at Don Quijote is at very high standard"

Arthora Agustsdottir, студент от Исландия

I only spent one week at Don Quijote so my review will take notice of that.

I liked the classes very well. I thought it very good that the students were only six in the class so it was easier for the teachers to activate the students. The teachers were very enthusiastic about to get the students to participate in the study. They were eager to make us talk, listen an also write. I think that these three factors are very important in language learning. The teachers were very nice and helpful and made you feel good although your Spanish was weak. My vocabulary increased this week and also my writing. What was difficult for me was that the students were far into the study material when I joined the class and I didn´t have the foundation to build on.

The teachers were great and helpful.

The location was very suitable for me, the housing is charming and friendly.

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Моите оценки за това училище

Качество на обучението
Учебна база
Социални занимания
Местонахождение на училището
Дата на обучението
27 Feb 2023 - 3 Mar 2023
Бихте ли препоръчали това училище?
Това е удостоверен преглед. Този студент e резервирал курс на обучение в това училище Language International.

"I had a good time with the other students so it was great."

Leo Vitone, студент от Италия

Salamanca is a great town to stay for a couple of weeks. I liked my housing pretty much. The conversation class was lame and in general to be honest I liked the place and the people but the cafeteria at the school was the best.

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Моите оценки за това училище

Качество на обучението
Учебна база
Социални занимания
Местонахождение на училището
Продължителност на обучението
2 седмици
Дата на обучението
27 Jun 2022 - 15 Jul 2022
Бихте ли препоръчали това училище?
Това е удостоверен преглед. Този студент e резервирал курс на обучение в това училище Language International.

"Not only learning, but lifelong friends!"

Margaret Davies, студент от Австралия

I was in the Over 50 Spanish class and found the whole experience to be wonderful! The classes were small and the teachers excellent. The entire group jelled extremely well and after class we often went for lunch together or sightseeing. I think this is the advantage of having students of similar age. The schools location is excellent and the cafe attached was great. In the weekend there were excursions arranged. Ana in the office was also extremely approachable and helpful. I would not hesitate in recommending this school and this particular course.

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Моите оценки за това училище

Качество на обучението
Учебна база
Социални занимания
Местонахождение на училището
Продължителност на обучението
1 седмица
Дата на обучението
13 May 2019 - 24 May 2019
Бихте ли препоръчали това училище?
Това е удостоверен преглед. Този студент e резервирал курс на обучение в това училище Language International.

"Good school with competent teachers"

Nadine Achermann, студент от Швейцария

I had Premium classes and had private classes due to the fact that I was the only participant. I learnt a lot and the teaching was focused on my gaps and preferences. The school organizes events (tours, movies, etc.) almost everyday. I would recommend Don Quijote!

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Моите оценки за това училище

Качество на обучението
Учебна база
Социални занимания
Местонахождение на училището
Дата на обучението
6 May 2019 - 10 May 2019
Бихте ли препоръчали това училище?
Това е удостоверен преглед. Този студент e резервирал курс на обучение в това училище Language International.

"Absolutely brilliant"

Aleah embley, студент от Шотландия

The booking customer service was outstanding I booked the course for my daughter only 10 days before the start and Kristele was so helpful, always replying quickly and sorting out all the details. The pickup was smooth and the accommodation perfect. My daughter did breakfast only but wished she did full board. Classes were excellent lots of support and great teaching. She has an outstanding week and would love to go back. We are looking to send our younger kids next year.

Thanks for everything !

Прочетете още...

Моите оценки за това училище

Качество на обучението
Учебна база
Социални занимания
Местонахождение на училището
Дата на обучението
25 Feb 2019 - 1 Mar 2019
Бихте ли препоръчали това училище?
Това е удостоверен преглед. Този студент e резервирал курс на обучение в това училище Language International.

"Ice skating on a moving cloud learning a foreign language, with ease of movement and grace, fully engaged in the moment."

Jane Marx, студент от САЩ

In the brochure, there was to be no more than eight people in a class. PERIOD. We had nine.
The two classes were too big. There had been an initial miscalculation.
One Golden Years participant came late into the second class on the first day bringing our class number to 8.
Then another arrived on the second day, first class, bringing us to 9. They both had been placed that first day in the wrong class
They were appropriate age-wise,energy, warmth and had been enrolled in the the Golden Years Program..
The error was allowing a married couple, who talked constantly to each other, and were also not in the Golden Years program, to be there from the start.

The tours in the evening were interesting, introspective and intellectual, but hand-outs, especially to beginners, would have aided comprehension. Say, short, simple Spanish descriptions of what we'd see or what was being discussed. The guide could not be heard, even indoors, as knowledgeably and charming as she was. Her manner was delicate and intimate, like a flower bud.The burden to hear/understand became exhausting and labor intensive..

The teachers were committed, kind and lovable with a ready sense of humor. The school building appeared as if a retreat, a refuge, a garden to sit and rest when not in class. My home stay was appropriate. My expectations were low. I adjusted to what was offered.

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Моите оценки за това училище

Качество на обучението
Учебна база
Социални занимания
Местонахождение на училището
Продължителност на обучението
1 седмица
Дата на обучението
16 Oct 2017 - 27 Oct 2017
Бихте ли препоръчали това училище?
Това е удостоверен преглед. Този студент e резервирал курс на обучение в това училище Language International.


Yazeed Naif N Alrubyli, студент от Саудитска Арабия

I registered for the super intensive course (35 lesson/week). They said that no one else registered for super intensive, so they gave me only the intensive course (25 lesson/week). They had to inform me beforehand so I could change things.

Прочетете още...

Моите оценки за това училище

Качество на обучението
Учебна база
Социални занимания
Местонахождение на училището
Продължителност на обучението
1 седмица
Дата на обучението
13 Jul 2015 - 24 Jul 2015
Бихте ли препоръчали това училище?
Това е удостоверен преглед. Този студент e резервирал курс на обучение в това училище Language International.


!school предлага следните видове настаняване:

Домашен престой - 2 души в обща стая - Закуска и вечеря

494 лева

Homestay, Double Room (Half Board)

Възраст: 14 години и по-възрастни
Вид настаняване: Домашен престой
Вид стая: 2 души в обща стая
Вид хранене: Закуска и вечеря (14 хранения на седмица)
Учебна база: Пране и безжичен интернет
Разстояние до училище: 1 - 20 минути
Наличност: януари - декември
Ден на пристигане: неделя, по всяко време
Ден на заминаване: събота, по всяко време
Ограничения: 2 студенти трябва да резервирате
494 лева
Home stays offer you a unique opportunity to experience Spanish life while living in the home of a local Spanish speaking family. You'll speak Spanish all day long, out of necessity and fun and interest in the family life you see unfolding around you. Accommodation in a host family allows you to get the most out of your language course as it gives you a privileged view of daily life in another culture.

About home stay:

Your host "family" may be a family with parents and children or a single parent who takes in students because he or she enjoys the company. You wouldn't be the first to go out on the town together, or to keep in contact with your family after your return home.

You'll eat at local hours - usually later than what you may be accustomed to- and you'll eat local foods, although the family will take your preferences into account as much as possible.
You will be given your own house keys, so you can come and go as you please. You will also be able to receive phone calls at the family home.

Домашен престой - 2 души в обща стая - Закуска, обяд и вечеря

537 лева

Homestay, Double Room (Full Board)

Възраст: 14 години и по-възрастни
Вид настаняване: Домашен престой
Вид стая: 2 души в обща стая
Вид хранене: Закуска, обяд и вечеря (21 хранения на седмица)
Учебна база: Пране и безжичен интернет
Разстояние до училище: 1 - 20 минути
Наличност: януари - декември
Ден на пристигане: неделя, по всяко време
Ден на заминаване: събота, по всяко време
Ограничения: 2 студенти трябва да резервирате
537 лева
Home stays offer you a unique opportunity to experience Spanish life while living in the home of a local Spanish speaking family. You'll speak Spanish all day long, out of necessity and fun and interest in the family life you see unfolding around you. Accommodation in a host family allows you to get the most out of your language course as it gives you a privileged view of daily life in another culture.

About home stay:

Your host "family" may be a family with parents and children or a single parent who takes in students because he or she enjoys the company. You wouldn't be the first to go out on the town together, or to keep in contact with your family after your return home.

You'll eat at local hours - usually later than what you may be accustomed to- and you'll eat local foods, although the family will take your preferences into account as much as possible.
You will be given your own house keys, so you can come and go as you please. You will also be able to receive phone calls at the family home.

Домашен престой - Единична стая - Закуска и вечеря

558 лева

Homestay, Single Room (Half Board)

Възраст: 17 години и по-възрастни
Вид настаняване: Домашен престой
Вид стая: Единична стая
Вид хранене: Закуска и вечеря (14 хранения на седмица)
Учебна база: Пране и безжичен интернет
Разстояние до училище: 1 - 20 минути
Наличност: януари - декември
Ден на пристигане: неделя, по всяко време
Ден на заминаване: събота, по всяко време
558 лева
Home stays offer you a unique opportunity to experience Spanish life while living in the home of a local Spanish speaking family. You'll speak Spanish all day long, out of necessity and fun and interest in the family life you see unfolding around you. Accommodation in a host family allows you to get the most out of your language course as it gives you a privileged view of daily life in another culture.

About home stay:

Your host "family" may be a family with parents and children or a single parent who takes in students because he or she enjoys the company. You wouldn't be the first to go out on the town together, or to keep in contact with your family after your return home.

You'll eat at local hours - usually later than what you may be accustomed to- and you'll eat local foods, although the family will take your preferences into account as much as possible.
You will be given your own house keys, so you can come and go as you please. You will also be able to receive phone calls at the family home.

Домашен престой - Единична стая - Закуска, обяд и вечеря

621 лева

Homestay, Single Room (Full Board)

Възраст: 17 години и по-възрастни
Вид настаняване: Домашен престой
Вид стая: Единична стая
Вид хранене: Закуска, обяд и вечеря (21 хранения на седмица)
Учебна база: Пране и безжичен интернет
Разстояние до училище: 1 - 20 минути
Наличност: януари - декември
Ден на пристигане: неделя, по всяко време
Ден на заминаване: събота, по всяко време
621 лева
Home stays offer you a unique opportunity to experience Spanish life while living in the home of a local Spanish speaking family. You'll speak Spanish all day long, out of necessity and fun and interest in the family life you see unfolding around you. Accommodation in a host family allows you to get the most out of your language course as it gives you a privileged view of daily life in another culture.

About home stay:

Your host "family" may be a family with parents and children or a single parent who takes in students because he or she enjoys the company. You wouldn't be the first to go out on the town together, or to keep in contact with your family after your return home.

You'll eat at local hours - usually later than what you may be accustomed to- and you'll eat local foods, although the family will take your preferences into account as much as possible.
You will be given your own house keys, so you can come and go as you please. You will also be able to receive phone calls at the family home.

Домашен престой - 2 души в обща стая - Закуска

642 лева

Homestay,Double room (Bed & Breakfast)

Възраст: 18 години и по-възрастни
Вид настаняване: Домашен престой
Вид стая: 2 души в обща стая
Вид хранене: Закуска (7 хранения на седмица)
Учебна база: Пране и безжичен интернет
Разстояние до училище: 1 - 20 минути
Наличност: януари - декември
Ден на пристигане: неделя, по всяко време
Ден на заминаване: събота, по всяко време
Ограничения: 2 студенти трябва да резервирате
642 лева
Living with a host family has two major benefits. First, it's the best way to get to know Spanish culture and see what daily life is like for a native Spaniard. Secondly, our host families will speak to you in Spanish 100% of the time, helping you practice the skills you're working on in class in an authentic context.

Our host families vary from young families to one or two retired people, all Spanish speakers and are carefully selected to ensure that your stay be as pleasant as possible. We do our best to find home stays that will treat you as part of the family.

We will always try to accommodate you within 10-20 minutes - on foot or via public transportation - from our school.

If you have any allergies, special dietary requirements, dislike of particular pets or any other special requests, just let us know in advance and we'll do our best to satisfy your needs.

-80% of the host families have wifi installed at home and this is free to use. However if you wish to ensure guaranteed use of this servicve a weekly supplement is required.

Домашен престой - Единична стая - Закуска

726 лева

Homestay, Single room (Bed & Breakfast)

Възраст: 18 години и по-възрастни
Населено място: In the city center of Саламанка
Вид настаняване: Домашен престой
Вид стая: Единична стая
Вид хранене: Закуска (7 хранения на седмица)
Учебна база: Пране и безжичен интернет
Разстояние до училище: 1 - 20 минути с walk
Наличност: януари - декември
Ден на пристигане: неделя, по всяко време
Ден на заминаване: събота, по всяко време
726 лева
Living with a host family has two major benefits. First, it's the best way to get to know Spanish culture and see what daily life is like for a native Spaniard. Secondly, our host families will speak to you in Spanish 100% of the time, helping you practice the skills you're working on in class in an authentic context.

Our host families vary from young families to one or two retired people, all Spanish speakers and are carefully selected to ensure that your stay be as pleasant as possible. We do our best to find home stays that will treat you as part of the family.

We will always try to accommodate you within 10-20 minutes - on foot or via public transportation - from our school.

If you have any allergies, special dietary requirements, dislike of particular pets or any other special requests, just let us know in advance and we'll do our best to satisfy your needs.

-80% of the host families have wifi installed at home and this is free to use. However if you wish to ensure guaranteed use of this servicve a weekly supplement is required.

Студентски общежития - 2 души в обща стая - Закуска

503 лева

Student Residence, Double room (Bed & Breakfast)

Възраст: 17 години и по-възрастни
Вид настаняване: Студентски общежития
Вид стая: 2 души в обща стая
Вид хранене: Закуска (7 хранения на седмица)
Учебна база: Кухня, пране, безжичен интернет, и отопление
Наличност: януари - декември
Ден на пристигане: неделя, по всяко време
Ден на заминаване: събота, по всяко време
Ограничения: 2 студенти трябва да резервирате
503 лева
Our Spanish student residences are very similar to a shared apartment with the difference that you don't have to cook your own meals. In this type of residences you will share with students from all over the world, but not necessarily of don Quijote, which makes this option very interesting. We offer you half board or full board.

Includes bed linen, daily cleaning service in common areas, use of kitchen, gas, electricity and water costs. Private bathroom: 35 EUR. Extra night: 35 EUR.

Студентски общежития - 2 души в обща стая - Закуска и вечеря

587 лева

Student Residence, Double Room (Half Board)

Възраст: 14 години и по-възрастни
Вид настаняване: Студентски общежития
Вид стая: 2 души в обща стая
Вид хранене: Закуска и вечеря (14 хранения на седмица)
Учебна база: Кухня, пране, безжичен интернет, и отопление
Наличност: януари - декември
Ден на пристигане: неделя, по всяко време
Ден на заминаване: събота, по всяко време
Ограничения: 2 студенти трябва да резервирате
587 лева
Our Spanish student residences are very similar to a shared apartment with the difference that you don't have to cook your own meals. In this type of residences you will share with students from all over the world, but not necessarily of don Quijote, which makes this option very interesting. We offer you half board or full board.

Includes bed linen, daily cleaning service in common areas, use of kitchen, gas, electricity and water costs. Private bathroom: 35 EUR. Extra night: 35 EUR.

Студентски общежития - Единична стая - Закуска

608 лева

Student Residence, Single room (Bed & Breakfast)

Възраст: 17 години и по-възрастни
Вид настаняване: Студентски общежития
Вид стая: Единична стая
Вид хранене: Закуска (7 хранения на седмица)
Учебна база: Кухня, пране, безжичен интернет, и отопление
Наличност: януари - декември
Ден на пристигане: неделя, по всяко време
Ден на заминаване: събота, по всяко време
608 лева
Our Spanish student residences are very similar to a shared apartment with the difference that you don't have to cook your own meals. In this type of residences you will share with students from all over the world, but not necessarily of don Quijote, which makes this option very interesting. We offer you half board or full board.

Includes bed linen, daily cleaning service in common areas, use of kitchen, gas, electricity and water costs. Private bathroom: 35 EUR. Extra night: 45 EUR.

Студентски общежития - 2 души в обща стая - Закуска, обяд и вечеря

671 лева

Student Residence, Double Room (Full Board)

Възраст: 14 години и по-възрастни
Вид настаняване: Студентски общежития
Вид стая: 2 души в обща стая
Вид хранене: Закуска, обяд и вечеря (21 хранения на седмица)
Учебна база: Кухня, пране, безжичен интернет, и отопление
Наличност: януари - декември
Ден на пристигане: неделя, по всяко време
Ден на заминаване: събота, по всяко време
Ограничения: 2 студенти трябва да резервирате
671 лева
Our Spanish student residences are very similar to a shared apartment with the difference that you don't have to cook your own meals. In this type of residences you will share with students from all over the world, but not necessarily of don Quijote, which makes this option very interesting. We offer you half board or full board.

Includes bed linen, daily cleaning service in common areas, use of kitchen, gas, electricity and water costs. Private bathroom: 35 EUR. Extra night: 35 EUR.

Студентски общежития - Единична стая - Закуска и вечеря

692 лева

Student Residence, Single Room (Half Board)

Възраст: 17 години и по-възрастни
Вид настаняване: Студентски общежития
Вид стая: Единична стая
Вид хранене: Закуска и вечеря (14 хранения на седмица)
Учебна база: Кухня, пране, безжичен интернет, и отопление
Наличност: януари - декември
Ден на пристигане: неделя, по всяко време
Ден на заминаване: събота, по всяко време
692 лева
Our Spanish student residences are very similar to a shared apartment with the difference that you don't have to cook your own meals. In this type of residences you will share with students from all over the world, but not necessarily of don Quijote, which makes this option very interesting. We offer you half board or full board.

Includes bed linen, daily cleaning service in common areas, use of kitchen, gas, electricity and water costs. Private bathroom: 35 EUR. Extra night: 45 EUR.

Студентски общежития - Единична стая - Закуска, обяд и вечеря

776 лева

Student Residence, Single Room (Full Board)

Възраст: 17 години и по-възрастни
Вид настаняване: Студентски общежития
Вид стая: Единична стая
Вид хранене: Закуска, обяд и вечеря (21 хранения на седмица)
Учебна база: Кухня, пране, безжичен интернет, и отопление
Наличност: януари - декември
Ден на пристигане: неделя, по всяко време
Ден на заминаване: събота, по всяко време
776 лева
Our Spanish student residences are very similar to a shared apartment with the difference that you don't have to cook your own meals. In this type of residences you will share with students from all over the world, but not necessarily of don Quijote, which makes this option very interesting. We offer you half board or full board.

Includes bed linen, daily cleaning service in common areas, use of kitchen, gas, electricity and water costs. Private bathroom: 35 EUR. Extra night: 45 EUR.

Апартамент - 2 души в обща стая - Без храна

335 лева

Regular Shared Apartment, Double room (No meals)

Възраст: 17 години и по-възрастни
Вид настаняване: Общ апартамент
Вид стая: 2 души в обща стая
Вид хранене: Без храна
Учебна база: Кухня, пране, безжичен интернет, и отопление
Разстояние до училище: 1 - 20 минути
Наличност: януари - декември
Ден на пристигане: неделя, по всяко време
Ден на заминаване: събота, по всяко време
Ограничения: 2 студенти трябва да резервирате
335 лева
You can choose to share a student apartment with four or five don Quijote students. In a student apartment you'll prepare your own meals and interact with don Quijote students of all ages and backgrounds. We recommend you make a pact about speaking Spanish in the apartment; other shared languages often take students away from Spanish language practice.

About shared student apartments:

Although the student apartments are not very luxurious, they include all the basic facilities: a bed, table or desk, chair and a closet wardrobe.
Each student apartment has a living room with TV, a fully equipped kitchen, a washing machine and an iron.
No telephones are available in student flats; we suggest you use public telephones or local calling centers.
You share the kitchen and the bathroom and, together, keep the house clean

Апартамент - Единична стая - Без храна

545 лева

Regular Shared Apartment, Single room (No meals)

Възраст: 17 години и по-възрастни
Вид настаняване: Общ апартамент
Вид стая: Единична стая
Вид хранене: Без храна
Учебна база: Кухня, пране, безжичен интернет, и отопление
Разстояние до училище: 1 - 20 минути
Наличност: януари - декември
Ден на пристигане: неделя, по всяко време
Ден на заминаване: събота, по всяко време
545 лева
You can choose to share a student apartment with four or five don Quijote students. In a student apartment you'll prepare your own meals and interact with don Quijote students of all ages and backgrounds. We recommend you make a pact about speaking Spanish in the apartment; other shared languages often take students away from Spanish language practice.

About shared student apartments:

Although the student apartments are not very luxurious, they include all the basic facilities: a bed, table or desk, chair and a closet wardrobe.
Each student apartment has a living room with TV, a fully equipped kitchen, a washing machine and an iron.
No telephones are available in student flats; we suggest you use public telephones or local calling centers.
You share the kitchen and the bathroom and, together, keep the house clean

Помощ за виза

Не можем да кандидатстваме за виза от името на студентите, но училището може да Ви осигури цялата документация, от която се нуждаете.

Вашето писмо за приемане ще получите по пощата без допълнителни такси. Ако желаете да получите документи си по експресна поща, ще трябва да заплатите 185 €, когато се регистрирате.

Полети и транспорт от летището

Най-близкото летище до училището e Madrid International (MAD).

Училището предлага транспорт от летището. Цената на еднопосочен транспорт от Madrid International е85 €. Необходимо е да резервирате вашият транспорт предварително, когато се регистрирате.

Please note that we do not book flights for our students. If you are researching airfare costs, we recommend using, a search engine that lets you compare flight options from your home country to Саламанка based on your budget, schedule and preferences.

Пътническа застраховка

Обучението в чужбина е безпроблемно с покритието на застраховките здравна и лични вещи от Language International. Когато резервирате курс при нас, можете да изберете да закупите международен план на застраховка, който обхваща не само стойността на лечението, но и загуба на лични вещи. Трябва да резервирате застраховката си когато се регистрирате.

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