Language Studies International (LSI): Boston
105 Beach Street, Boston, MA 02111, USA
Language Studies International (LSI): Boston
Този курс включва:
20 урока седмично
Участници: максимум 5
Минимална възраст: 19 години
Междинни до напреднали нива
1 урок: 50 минути
Курсовете започват: всеки понеделник
Ако искате личен и интерактивен подход, трябва да вземете предвид и груповия курс на LSI Mini. Мини груповите курсове включват обща граматика и умения. Фокусът върху преговори, презентации и срещи е от значение в бизнес и нестопански ситуации. Това е вълнуваща алтернатива на курсовете LSI Standard 20 и Intenziv 30 за по-зрели учащи.
Слушане, Говорейки, произношение, четене, писане, речник и граматика
LSI Boston не предлага обучение по време на почивните дни изброени отгоре. Училището не предлага компенсация за тези дни, така че бъдете сигурни, че внимателно сте избрали началната дата.
Програмата на класа може да бъде променена според заетостта и сезона.
Средно | 3 студенти |
Максимално | 5 студенти |
Възраст | 19 години и по-възрастни |
Средно | 24 години |
Като един от най-старите градове в САЩ, Бостън има богато културно наследство и предлага на посетителите разнообразие от неща, които да видят и да правят. От Музея на изящните изкуства до каране на скейт на Бостън Комън и участие в бейзболен мач на Фенуей Парк, Бостън има по нещо за всекиго - идеалната дестинация ако искате да учите английски в Съединените щати.
LSI Boston се намира на границата с Китайския квартал и Театъра и Финансовите райони. Близо е до метро, автобус и жп гари. Нашето езиково училище предлага отлични удобства, които да Ви помогнат да научите английски, включително ресурсна библиотека за учениците, компютърна зала с Интернет достъп и салон за учениците. Предлагаме курсове за подготовка за TOEFL, както и програми по по-общо ESL обучение.
Удобства: 9 модерни класни сати, максимален брой на учениците в клас 15, 15 учебни компютъра, безплатен Wifi, добри транспортни връзки, страхотно местоположение, микровулнова за учениците, хладилник за учениците, система за електронно обучение, салон за учениците, тераса на покрива.
Различните националности и възрасти в Language Studies International (LSI): Boston varies варират според периода, курса и нивото. През лятото средната възраст е 24.
В училището се обучават студенти от цял свят, включително
LSI Boston не предлага обучение по време на почивните дни изброени отдолу. Училището не предлага компенсация за тези дни, така че бъдете сигурни, че внимателно сте избрали началната дата.
LSI Boston се намира в търговска сграда от кафяв камък на границата с Китайския квартал и Театъра и Финансовите райони.
The school is small and comfortable. You can meet every student during coffee breaks and continue communicating after lessons.
I completed a business course. During my conversations with Doug, I received a lot of relevant and useful information. The lessons were conducted in a dialogue format, which allowed me to talk about my business and improve my language skills. That was my main goal in learning.
Bernadette is super energetic. She tries to make her lessons engaging by using various interactive formats, including interesting games.
All the students were very involved, communicative, and friendly. There was a very comfortable and productive atmosphere in this school.
Everything was very good, I have nothing to complain about
Покажи подробности » Прочетете още...A very good school in a good location. I would add more cafes nearby or cafes in the building to keep more hours open. Douglas was a teacher, a very cool teacher with a good approach to classes and creative tasks. I didn’t live and didn’t attend events, I can’t say anything about it
Покажи подробности » Прочетете още...I took private lessons for 10 weeks.
My teacher was excellent and had a good understanding of the characteristics of Japanese people's English ability.
On top of that, my teacher provided me with appropriate instruction.
Especially in speaking instruction, my teacher mainly taught me pronunciation and phrases commonly used by native speakers.
Now I have a little more confidence in speaking English.
Thank you very much for the wonderful lesson.
They didn't teach me Academic classes I thought they would give me some plan to start but unfortunately they only want money so it was bad experience
Покажи подробности » Прочетете още...The experience of the teacher’s is one of the most importance value you have at LSI, but the best issue is the warm of the people.
I appreciate the way I was received the first day. (Cindy was amazing)
Finally I think that you must limit the assistance of the students with flue or similar problems because students assist and LSI accept.
Thanks a lot
The teachers were great: Bernadette and Ralph. The location is very convenient: for me.
The rooms are cramped. The equipment and facilities are good. I like LSI.
My experience with LSI was amazing, my teacher Ksenia was very professional and creative, literally she is the best!
I liked he location. see you next summer!!!!
I was in Boston for one month, working and my company suggested me to take 1 hour private English lesson per day. The teacher was really nice and I was happy having him.
The only problem I had is that I've been told I'd have a certificate at the end and I didn't receive anything. I sent an kind reminder email but I unfortunately still don't have any certificate.
I took one to one English courses for 2 weeks at LSI
The classes were from 8:00 to 9:00 am.
I was not tired , but inspired during the class.
The teacher precisely focused on what I wanted to learn.
Thanks to that, now I can say I am making progress with my English speaking skill.
The organisation was good, but it was very noisy caused by construction work on the street.
Good mix of international students.
Professors and administrative staff were always very present, available and responsive. I really liked the good mood that prevailed during the classes.
Покажи подробности » Прочетете още...The location of the school is excellent, in the courses you meet people from several countries, which forces you to speak in English so that you can get to know them better, because they speak another language
Покажи подробности » Прочетете още...I spent only 1 week in the school, but the experience was awesome!
Everthing in the school was great and I made new friends, during the classes and outside the school everybody speaks only English so it was a good experience to practice and improve my english skills.
Hi, my experience was so good. The best was my teacher Glenn. He was a very good teacher and taught me a lot. The school was nice but i didn't like the location near Chinatown. The school didn't have good activities to do after the classes. The accommodation was bad. The apartment was old and dirty and very far from the school.
Покажи подробности » Прочетете още...That was a very nice experience. Learning English without pressure with great teacher and staff.
Покажи подробности » Прочетете още...I expected a class wherein I would repeat the grammar lesson from the very beginning. In which I would repeat every grammar rule systematically within the time I am in class.
If it was the case, I would have needed 10 weeks, which I was not told before and I could not afford.
LSI put two levels together in one class (intermediate and advanced), which is obviously not as good if every level has its own class.
In the afternoon classes I could only choose between a few options, such as TOEFL, but I wanted to prepare for CPE. Thus, I took TOEFL because it was the best option for me, but again not what I really expected.
The teacher (Nell) was great, she really made a good job. Her classes were never boring, she made really good and funny exercises for us, she used loads of different methods and materials. I was lucky to sit in her classes.
The location of the school is great and the facilities are good.
Since I am here with my husband and I will stay in the Boston area for about a year whereas the other students are here for a few weeks and they are much younger. I didn't go to any activity and I didn't avail of the housing.
My first lesson day was strange, because, although the exams on Monday were really well done, I thought that the Advanced Level was too difficult for me. After 2/3 days, my English was totally unlocked, thanks to my teachers. I really appreciated the other ways that the teachers used to teach us topics that were usually boring.
The location was comfortable, just like the facilities.
I didn't have the opportunity to enjoy all the activities that the school offered, (also because I stayed in Boston for only three weeks) but I could see photos and tales from friends that had been there for 5/6 months and the activities were really fun!
I'm sorry but I don't have any things I didn't appreciate!
The teachers in LSI are good, they help me to improve my English, they correct me when was necessary and I learned new things. The classes are very good, they used different strategies for teach us the lessons. The college is easy to find, and they have different activities for practices English after classes and know Boston. The homestay was excellent. I enjoyed my time with my house parents, they make feel if I was in my house and they help me to improve my English too.
Покажи подробности » Прочетете още...I really enjoyed classes which were very interesting and interactive and I also met a lot of friends from all over the world.
Покажи подробности » Прочетете още...This experience has been the best experience of my life. I learned a lot and enjoyed every moment in Boston. Thank you.
Покажи подробности » Прочетете още...I had the best time ever! Tim was extremely nice and coordinated everything when I wasn`t able to participate in a class of +50 people. The course was great, I learned a lot, especially grammar. The teacher in the morning was excellent and so was the group.
The best of all was the teacher in the afternoon; it was a blast!!!!!!!
Thank you for everything I would definitely come back or recommend the school. You have excellent classes and a very professional staff.
The teachers were great. I didn't like the location and I couldn't enjoy the activities.
Покажи подробности » Прочетете още...The structure of the school was very good, but at the last week they put us in a level that didn't have water. We only had a bathroom. This thing disappointed me, but if I have to grade it, I'd give 8 for score. The people in the background are very helpful, but the schedule after class can be better.
Покажи подробности » Прочетете още...I find that it is very important to have at least a couple of courses with the right level chosen, make homework, communicate, be open, etc.
Покажи подробности » Прочетете още...Excellent school! I liked it. It was very good. Also, I met a lot of friends and people from other countries like Arabia, China, Japan, and more.
Покажи подробности » Прочетете още...Classes not bad I mean the room size, but the seats are very bad and uncomfortable. Add to that school was divided into three floors in the building. Teachers are welcoming to others and friends for all. School is located very well and it's easy to arrive by public transportation. On each floor has bathrooms and water. Most of the classrooms have air-conditioning. In other classrooms there are some fans. There are computers, free printer, free internet. Activities are useful and fun. Housing not too good not too bad.
Покажи подробности » Прочетете още...I only spent 2 weeks in LSI in the TOEFL class. The school was a kind of family setting located in a very noisy place probably due to public works. And sometimes, we had to move from our class. I appreciated the fact that we could have lunch in a nice environment (Rebecca Café) at affordable prices.
I liked the school spirit. That could be seen through easy relationships with had with teachers and the school management.
I really appreciated my 2 classes' dynamics, based on young teachers' abilities to innovate. Even in a boring Toefl class, I had the feeling of learning without pressure. Through interactive activities, games, group works and even playing American football contributed to create a very conducive learning environment.
I also found that outdoors activities were very rich and each of us could find interesting activities to attend. I loved the restaurant and the trip to Hyannis.
For housing, even though the family was smart, friendly and always ready to help us, I did not like that area. Sometimes, at night, you did not feel safe.
I could suggest improvements in 3 ways:
1. Enriching students' vocabulary through a kind of 10 minute review (students making sentences based on new words) every morning, to help new words to be integrated in our vocabulary. Thus at the end of the week you know how to use words, idioms and phrasal verbs seen during the week.
2. Having pronunciation exercises. Currently I am taking pronunciation courses to be able to master the sounds in English and that basic skill is pivotal for learners to be easily understood. And in our class, some students really needed (like me) pronunciation exercises.
3. Maybe think in a future about having more space.
I really loved the good times I had in LSI. Both the teachers I had were very prepared and funny! Finally I found the best way to learn a subject! All the people I met were friendly and talkative. One week was not enough. I wish I had more time! But I think I'll be back one of these years.
Покажи подробности » Прочетете още...Good teachers, good environment, excellent.
Покажи подробности » Прочетете още...I really enjoyed studying at LSI. I was taught with highly-skilled teachers, who were always ready to help and explain things, which confused me about language. My English level definitely has risen, owing to this school. I had 4 teachers, but the best one in my opinion is Mike. He was so kind for all of us, and the style of teaching is more like talking to a friend in relaxed and understandable form. Moreover, he has a brilliant sense of humor! I met so many people from different continents, some of them became my friends and we still keep in touch. overall, it was a great time, I would never regret about choosing LSI from all other schools in Boston.
Покажи подробности » Прочетете още...I like the way classes are, and all of the activities you do create a better time and experience in the city.
Покажи подробности » Прочетете още...What I liked was: the tactic and style of teaching, the number of student in class, the good location, and a very friendly staff. And what I didn't like was: the class equipment and the small building.
Покажи подробности » Прочетете още...I think it was the best time in my life... I met so many friends and I think that I have improved my english so far with excellent teachers and great activities. It was so nice to do this course in Brisbane. Hopefully when I was there, weather was not so bad... There is my neighbour from Canary Islands doing the course now. I enjoyed a lot and I told him to go there and he is very happy too thanks BEST WISHES
Покажи подробности » Прочетете още...I don't know why the school offered me a change to a semi group class, but this was the best.
I really enjoyed this class with my teacher Bob and my classmate from Japan Yhio, who is a manager and mature person like me.
With them the classes were excellent !!!
On the other hand, my homestay wasn't that I had hoped. I told Leslie this. I hope you could describe better what type of house, distance, room, bathroom and general conditions the student will have. The homester was nice with me and this helped me to feel much better.
Finally, Boston was wonderful, very beautiful and exciting city !!!
Семействата, в които се настаняват студентите са внимателно подбрани. Те дават възможност на студентите да опознаят местната култура в комфортна обстановка по време на изучаването на Английски в Бостън. Тези домове обикновено са на разстояние от около 15 - 65 минути с обществен транспорт до училището. Семействата предлгат хранително меню, което Ви позволява да опитате местната кухня. Ако имате специални изисквания към храната поради религиозни или здравословни причини, моля да ни уведомите предварително. Вашето настаняване е валидно от неделята преди първия Ви учебен ден до събота след последния Ви ден на занятия, освен ако не е отбелязано друго. Научете повече за настаняването в семейства
Homestay - Twin room - Bed & breakfast
Homestay - Single room - Bed & breakfast
Homestay - Twin room - Half board
Homestay - Single room - Half board
Executive Homestay - Single room - Bed & Breakfast
Executive Homestay - Single room - Half Board
Студентските общежития са подходящи за независими студенти, които търсят добри битови условия на изгодна цена. Всички студенти трябва да бъдат на 18+, освен ако не е отбелязано друго. Вашето настаняване е валидно от неделята преди първия Ви учебен ден до събота след последния Ви ден на занятия, освен ако не е отбелязано друго. При тях обикновено не се включва хранене. Научете повече за настаняването в студентски общежития
ESL Townhouse - Double room, no meals
Възможно е по време на престоя Ви в Бостън да наемете апартамент, но обикновено е доста по-скъпо. LSI Boston предлага помощ при наемането на апртамент или може да потърсите сами. Научете повече за настаняването в апартамент
ESL Townhouse Studio, No meals
Не можем да кандидатстваме за виза от името на студентите, но училището може да Ви осигури цялата документация, от която се нуждаете.
Ако се обучавате целодневно в САЩ за повече от 18 часа седмично, ще получите формуляр I-20, който трябва да представите в посолството на САЩ заедно със заявление за студентска виза F-1. Формуляр I-20 има номер за проследяване SEVIS. Студенти, които желаят да кандидатстват за студентска виза трябва да платят по електронен път такса за SEVIS преди да отидат в американското посолство или консулство за интервю.
Формуляр I-20 ще получите по пощата без допълнителни такси. Ако желаете да получите документи си по експресна поща, ще трябва да заплатите $95, когато се регистрирате.
Моля, обърнете внимание, че според закона на САЩ I-20 може да се издава само на студенти, които възнамеряват да изучават английски език целодневно. Не се позволява студентите да учат се обучават на непълен ден с F-1 студентска виза. Ако ще се обучавате за по-малко от 18 часа на седмица, трябва да кандидатствате за посетителска виза (B1/B2) сами.
Научете повече за това как да получите студентска виза за САЩ »
Най-близкото летище до училището e Boston Logan Airport (BOS).
Please note that we do not book flights for our students. If you are researching airfare costs, we recommend using, a search engine that lets you compare flight options from your home country to Бостън based on your budget, schedule and preferences.
Обучението в чужбина е безпроблемно с покритието на застраховките здравна и лични вещи от Language International. Когато резервирате курс при нас, можете да изберете да закупите международен план на застраховка, който обхваща не само стойността на лечението, но и загуба на лични вещи. Трябва да резервирате застраховката си когато се регистрирате.
Имате въпроси? Получете отговори от училищния персонал и предишните студенти.
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