Premium Intensive German Conversation

Dialoge – Bodensee Sprachschule GmbH


Теми на курса

Слушане, Говорейки, произношение, четене, писане, речник и граматика

Разписание на класа

Продължителност на класа
1-52 седмици
Начални дати
Всеки понеделник (с изключение на начинаещи)
Начални дати за начинаещи
21 апр 2025, 26 май 2025, 30 юни 2025, 04 авг 2025, 08 сеп 2025, 13 окт 2025 и 17 ное 2025
Занятия седмично
30 lessons per week (всеки урок продължава 45 мин.)
Учебни дни
понеделник - петък
Училищни ваканции
18 апр 2025, 21 апр 2025, 01 май 2025, 29 май 2025, 09 юни 2025, 19 юни 2025, 15 авг 2025, 03 окт 2025, 01 ное 2025, 22 дек 2025 - 02 яну 2026

Учебно време

Сутрешна сесия
9:00 - 12:30
Следобедна сесия
13:30 - 15:25

Програмата на класа може да бъде променена според заетостта и сезона.

Описание на курса

An excellent choice for learners who want to make rapid and in-depth progress and at the same time prepare for the Telc exam or alternatively take part in conversation training.

In addition to the basic skills of reading, listening, writing and speaking, grammar and vocabulary are also practiced in our modern, communicative and interactive lessons. We have a proven team of experienced teachers who have successfully taught generations of students with great pleasure. In order to achieve the best possible learning success, our qualified and highly motivated teachers use the monolingual teaching method, i.e. German from day one. The lessons are also supplemented by practical learning activities outside the classroom, e.g. shopping at the market, interviews, etc…

With the Premium Exam Conversation course, you will also receive the in-depth knowledge of the intensive course and expand and deepen the morning course with additional content. This means that the knowledge you have acquired is retained very well and gives you the opportunity to improve your German skills in challenging areas through targeted exercises. On two further afternoons, you will also receive a special conversation course in this course, which will ensure that you can use your knowledge and vocabulary confidently and smoothly in a conversation. This course will give you a high level of confidence in using the German language. Ideal for work or study.

After a placement test, participants are divided into appropriate classes (A0/A1 – C1 level) with an average size of 8 students. The course takes place daily from Monday to Friday and comprises 25 lessons per week: mornings from 9.00 – 12.30 and in the afternoons from Monday to Thursday from 13.30 – 15.25.

Ниво на класа

Всички нива, от начинаещи до напреднали
През първият Ви учебен ден ще държите тест, който да определи нивото Ви и Вашия клас. Можете също така да вземат този тест преди пристигането си Линдау.

Брой студенти в клас

Средно 8 студенти
Максимално 15 студенти

Възраст на студента

Възраст 16 години и по-възрастни
Средно 27 години


В края на курса ще Ви бъде издаден сертификат за завършване.
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  • Dialoge – Bodensee Sprachschule GmbH 1/29
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  • Dialoge – Bodensee Sprachschule GmbH 9/29
  • Dialoge – Bodensee Sprachschule GmbH 10/29
  • Dialoge – Bodensee Sprachschule GmbH 11/29
  • Dialoge – Bodensee Sprachschule GmbH 12/29
  • Dialoge – Bodensee Sprachschule GmbH 13/29
  • Dialoge – Bodensee Sprachschule GmbH 14/29
  • Dialoge – Bodensee Sprachschule GmbH 15/29
  • Възможности за домашно настаняване, предлагани от Dialoge – Bodensee Sprachschule GmbH 16/29
  • Възможности за домашно настаняване, предлагани от Dialoge – Bodensee Sprachschule GmbH 17/29
  • Възможности за домашно настаняване, предлагани от Dialoge – Bodensee Sprachschule GmbH 18/29
  • Възможности за домашно настаняване, предлагани от Dialoge – Bodensee Sprachschule GmbH 19/29
  • Възможности за домашно настаняване, предлагани от Dialoge – Bodensee Sprachschule GmbH 20/29
  • Студентски общежития, предлагани от Dialoge – Bodensee Sprachschule GmbH 21/29
  • Студентски общежития, предлагани от Dialoge – Bodensee Sprachschule GmbH 22/29
  • Студентски общежития, предлагани от Dialoge – Bodensee Sprachschule GmbH 23/29
  • Студентски общежития, предлагани от Dialoge – Bodensee Sprachschule GmbH 24/29
  • Студентски общежития, предлагани от Dialoge – Bodensee Sprachschule GmbH 25/29
  • Студентски общежития, предлагани от Dialoge – Bodensee Sprachschule GmbH 26/29
  • Студентски общежития, предлагани от Dialoge – Bodensee Sprachschule GmbH 27/29
  • Студентски общежития, предлагани от Dialoge – Bodensee Sprachschule GmbH 28/29
  • Студентски общежития, предлагани от Dialoge – Bodensee Sprachschule GmbH 29/29


100% препоръчително

според 10 мнения
5 звезди
4 звезди
3 звезди
2 звезди
1 звезда
Качество на обучението
Учебна база
Социални занимания
Местонахождение на училището

"I had a fantastic experience during my two weeks."

Ingrid Wiemer, студент от САЩ

I enjoyed my course work at Dialogue Sprachschule. During the two weeks I was there, I had two teachers (Thomas and Albert). In the B2 course, we reviewed quite a lot of grammar and vocabulary. The work was challenging for me because I have some foundational holes, but it was good practice. Albert arranged a lot of partner, small group, and whole class exercises which provided a mixture of learning experiences. The school is well set-up for learning (smart boards, etc.) and conducive for group work.

My accommodations were amazing because I was w/Stani and an Italian student (Salvo). They were so welcoming and engaging. We had a lot of fun and they were helpful as I acclimated to the routine.

The outside activities were top notch. Stanislao has such a welcoming spirit. He makes everyone smile and feel included. We hiked down to the Buchenegger Wasserfälle, grilled out at the school, had a karaoke night, dined together in the evenings, etc. We were an eclectic group (variety of ages, home countries, personalities, etc.) but felt connected.

One of the instructors (Verena) joined us on several outings, as did two wonderful young ladies from the school office (Melanie and Valentina) . It was nice to see them engaging w/students outside of class.

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Моите оценки за това училище

Качество на обучението
Учебна база
Социални занимания
Местонахождение на училището
Продължителност на обучението
1 седмица
Дата на обучението
17 Apr 2023 - 28 Apr 2023
Бихте ли препоръчали това училище?
Това е удостоверен преглед. Този студент e резервирал курс на обучение в това училище Language International.

"A good school in a beautiful setting"

Eliot Graber, студент от Швейцария

The teachers are motivated to learn, which makes you want to take the lessons. My host family was kind and cooked well. School activities are interesting although there is not much to do in this small town. But the nature and the landscape are very beautiful.

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Моите оценки за това училище

Качество на обучението
Учебна база
Социални занимания
Местонахождение на училището
Продължителност на обучението
20 седмици
Дата на обучението
12 Jul 2021 - 3 Dec 2021
Бихте ли препоръчали това училище?
Това е удостоверен преглед. Този студент e резервирал курс на обучение в това училище Language International.

"That was the best month in my life!"

Lizaveta Savitskaya, студент от Беларус

The school is really nice, and the classes were well equipped and spacious. Teachers were very friendly, they were always ready to help and the personal was nice too. Lessons were great and I really enjoyed it, but sometimes when I had a speaking lesson , we played games and they were nice, but we didn’t speak as much as I wanted, but that wasn’t a big problem. But one thing that I didn’t really like is that there was a student with me and she has the same level as me, but she didn’t know German as good as others and sometimes we spent a lot of time to explain her material that she supposed to learn earlier, when she had A1 or A2, so that is not a big problem either, but I prefer to speak and learn more, rather than sitting with other students and just waste time. But in general the teachers and their methods were great, and I feel that now I can speak German really well, and I am so happy! The location of school is very convenient, because the lake is near by and the were a lot of cafes and shops. We also had a Programm for our free time and it was great. We visited other cities, amusement park, we played sport and swam together. Every Friday we had parties, and that is a really gut idea because we had a possibility to make friends. I lived with a Family, and they were so nice. The food was great and we talked a lot, and I could practice my German, and what I really appreciate is that if I did a mistake, they told me about it and explained how to say it correctly. I met a lot of people from different countries and even now we keep in touch. The thing that I like, is that we decided to speak only German and practice more, so students with a higher level teach us and explain us something, so that was cool, and it really works. The Organisation was great and there weren’t any accidents or problems. So I really recommend it and I hope that I will go there next year!!!

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Моите оценки за това училище

Качество на обучението
Учебна база
Социални занимания
Местонахождение на училището
Продължителност на обучението
3 седмици
Дата на обучението
2 Jul 2018 - 27 Jul 2018
Бихте ли препоръчали това училище?
Това е удостоверен преглед. Този студент e резервирал курс на обучение в това училище Language International.

"A great experience."

Samuel Stafrace, студент от Великобритания

It was a lovely school in a beautiful place. Some of the boys misbehaved and the teachers were not strict enough. Many of the staff only spoke English in the hostel. My first teacher spoke English to explain things instead of German. Her English was not good so I corrected her. She told me not to correct her and I told her to speak in German and not bad English. The next teacher spoke in German and I learnt much more.
The activities were fun. The other students preferred to speak English than German. Only a few helped me to speak German. Slot of kids are just sent away and don't want to learnanything just mess around.
The Avery was great and I enjoyed going up the mountain. The food was good.
I learnt alot in the second week and the school was quieter.
The staff were nice and helpful.

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Моите оценки за това училище

Качество на обучението
Учебна база
Социални занимания
Местонахождение на училището
Продължителност на обучението
1 седмица
Дата на обучението
16 Jul 2018 - 27 Jul 2018
Бихте ли препоръчали това училище?
Това е удостоверен преглед. Този студент e резервирал курс на обучение в това училище Language International.

"These 6 weeks were better than the course i took for 6 years in school"

Lorenzo Pongelli

I felt at home here since the first day. The teachers were helpful and always trying to explain simply and in the most understandable manner the themes that we treated day by day.
The experience in the family was very good too, and it helped me train my conversation skills.
Even the time off school helped me train my German by making me speak it as an everyday language, which was something that I had never experienced before.

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Моите оценки за това училище

Качество на обучението
Учебна база
Социални занимания
Местонахождение на училището
Продължителност на обучението
5 седмици
Дата на обучението
26 Feb 2018 - 6 Apr 2018
Бихте ли препоръчали това училище?


Valerie Ponti

Everything was great but I think for the afternoon lessons it would be better to be in a class where everyone would do the same exams. Since the school offers both TELC and TestDaf, the requirements are a bit different. It would have been more helpful if we were in a class where all of us sat for the same exam.

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Моите оценки за това училище

Качество на обучението
Учебна база
Социални занимания
Местонахождение на училището
Продължителност на обучението
21 седмици
Дата на обучението
6 Nov 2017 - 6 Apr 2018
Бихте ли препоръчали това училище?

"A good atmosphere for learning"

Rosa Maria Florido Paz

The teachers are so well prepared that they know exactly what our needs are. They know the personal needs of each of every students. There is a positive learning atmosphere and the classes were every time multinational. I wanted to make my TELC exam with them and feel that I am prepared to sit for the exam.

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Моите оценки за това училище

Качество на обучението
Учебна база
Социални занимания
Местонахождение на училището
Продължителност на обучението
3 седмици
Дата на обучението
12 Mar 2018 - 5 Apr 2018
Бихте ли препоръчали това училище?

"Fun whilst learning"

Andrea Zemilli

I found the school really nice because the teachers are really helpful and engaged us into learning by strengthening their relationship with us. Lindau is a dreamy place to stay in, where anyone can build good connections with the locals. This is the most important point for me as I learnt German along with making German friends. I chose to come to Lindau to better my German for my future prospects.

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Моите оценки за това училище

Качество на обучението
Учебна база
Социални занимания
Местонахождение на училището
Продължителност на обучението
12 седмици
Дата на обучението
8 Jan 2018 - 6 Apr 2018
Бихте ли препоръчали това училище?

"A nice learning experience"

Ziran Wei

This is the third time I come to Lindau, this is a nice city from my understanding-with nice landscapes, surroundings and people.
The learning period is chill but sharp, through the exercises one can really understand the language very well, and furthermore, the conversation can thus enhance the experience.
Overall, the whole period was nice and very enjoyable.

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Моите оценки за това училище

Качество на обучението
Учебна база
Социални занимания
Местонахождение на училището
Продължителност на обучението
1 седмица
Дата на обучението
26 Mar 2018 - 6 Apr 2018
Бихте ли препоръчали това училище?

"Not bad :)"

Andro Tvrdeić

I think the course was just the right amount of fun and learning. All the teachers are nice and willing to help. I'm pretty sure I'd never learn german as fast as I did, had I not went there. It is a bit pricy, but it's the only one we found nearby. The location on the central train station made the commute easy for me.

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Моите оценки за това училище

Качество на обучението
Учебна база
Социални занимания
Местонахождение на училището
Продължителност на обучението
21 седмици
Дата на обучението
16 Oct 2017 - 15 Mar 2018
Бихте ли препоръчали това училище?


!school предлага следните видове настаняване:

Домашен престой - 2 души в обща стая - Закуска и вечеря

534 лева

Homestay - Double or multi bed room - Breakfast and dinner

Възраст: 13 години и по-възрастни
Вид настаняване: Домашен престой
Вид стая: 2 души в обща стая
Вид хранене: Закуска и вечеря (14 хранения на седмица)
Разстояние до училище: 5 - 30 минути
Наличност: януари - декември
Ден на пристигане: неделя, след 03:00
Ден на заминаване: събота, преди 12:00
534 лева
All our host families are carefully chosen and offer a personal surrounding. An ideal opportunity for the students to apply German language in real life and to get an impression of the life and culture of their host country.

We know our host families personally and have a longtime relationship with them. New families are carefully checked by our host family coordinator based on a catalogue of quality standards. These standards are also part of the certification by IALC (International Association of Language Centers). Each student evaluates the family after his or her stay. This feedback is extremely important for us to secure these standards.

All our host families are connected to the cities bus line and are at maximum 20 to 30 minutes away from our school.

A standard booking includes breakfast and a warm evening meal.

Домашен престой - Единична стая - Закуска и вечеря

649 лева

Homestay - Single-person room - Breakfast and dinner

Възраст: 13 години и по-възрастни
Вид настаняване: Домашен престой
Вид стая: Единична стая
Вид хранене: Закуска и вечеря (14 хранения на седмица)
Разстояние до училище: 5 - 30 минути
Наличност: януари - декември
Ден на пристигане: неделя, след 03:00
Ден на заминаване: събота, преди 12:00
649 лева
All our host families are carefully chosen and offer a personal surrounding. An ideal opportunity for the students to apply German language in real life and to get an impression of the life and culture of their host country.

We know our host families personally and have a longtime relationship with them. New families are carefully checked by our host family coordinator based on a catalogue of quality standards. These standards are also part of the certification by IALC (International Association of Language Centers). Each student evaluates the family after his or her stay. This feedback is extremely important for us to secure these standards.

All our host families are connected to the cities bus line and are at maximum 20 to 30 minutes away from our school.

A standard booking includes breakfast and a warm evening meal.

Студентски общежития - 2 души в обща стая - Без храна

270 лева

Student residence Europaplatz - 2-person shared room - No meals

Възраст: 18 - 35 години
Адрес: Europaplatz 1, Lindau 88131, Deutschland
Населено място: In the city center of Линдау
Вид настаняване: Студентски пребиваване (извън корпус)
Вид стая: 2 души в обща стая
Вид хранене: Без храна
Учебна база: Кухня, пране, безжичен интернет, безплатен интернет, килим, отопление, и градина
Разстояние до училище: 15 минути с walk
Наличност: януари - декември
Ден на пристигане: неделя, след 02:00
Ден на заминаване: събота, преди 10:00
270 лева
Dialoge’s student dormatory offers the opportunity for our students to live together in an international surrounding and experience different cultures.

The student dormatory has a modern interior style and is completely equipped. Cheerful games playing evenings, just watching TV or common cooking evenings are part of the experience.

By foot, the dormatory is just 15 Minutes away from the school. It comes with single and double rooms, several bathrooms, a big kitchen, a washing machine and a living room with SatTV.

Max. 15 minutes by foot to the town center and to school
100 meters to the lakeside and swimming sites
parking at the dormatory in a paid parking lot.
300 sqm total area
9 bright and beautiful single and double rooms
private sink
common room and common kitchen
all rooms are renovated
common bathrooms with showers
SatTV in the common living room
Washing machine and dryer
bedding will be changed every 2 weeks
weekly cleaning service in the common rooms
2 terraces with views of a park

Студентски общежития - 2 души в обща стая - Без храна

270 лева

Student residence Seeblick - 2-person shared room - No meals

Възраст: 18 години и по-възрастни
Адрес: Bahnhof 1f, Lindau 88131, Deutschland
Населено място: In the city center of Линдау
Вид настаняване: Студентски общежития
Вид стая: 2 души в обща стая
Вид хранене: Без храна
Учебна база: Кухня, пране, безжичен интернет, безплатен интернет, и отопление
Разстояние до училище: 2 минути с walk
Наличност: януари - декември
Ден на пристигане: неделя, след 03:00
Ден на заминаване: събота, преди 10:00
270 лева
Our shared flat offers the possibility for students to live together in a small international community.

The shared flat with view on the Lake Constance is located in the same building as our school, directly on the Lindau island at the harbor. The city center is about 3 minutes away (by foot). The shared flat is located on the second floor and includes 3 rooms (single and double).

The accommodation offers a common room, an inviting kitchen with a dining corner and a common bathroom.

1 minute to the school by foot
3 minutes to the town center by foot
Single and double rooms
Common kitchen, common bathroom and one common room
bedding every 2 weeks
Washing machine/laundry rack
weekly cleaning service of common areas

Студентски общежития - 2 души в обща стая - Без храна

354 лева

Student residence Seenest Mini studios - 2-person shared room - No meals

Възраст: 18 години и по-възрастни
Вид настаняване: Студентски общежития
Вид стая: 2 души в обща стая
Вид хранене: Без храна
Учебна база: Кухня, безжичен интернет, и безплатен интернет
Разстояние до училище: 2 минути с walk
Наличност: януари - декември
Ден на пристигане: неделя, по всяко време
Ден на заминаване: събота, по всяко време
354 лева
Our accommodation “Seenest” offers more privacy and independence than the shared accommodations.

The modern and comfortable equipped mini-studios are located on Lindau island in the middle of the old town center. The school is only two minutes away by foot. You’ll find restaurants, bars and shops in the immediate area.

The mini-studios are located in a small, picturesque house. On each floor there are 2 mini-studios and a common toilet. Each studio offers a shower and a sink. The studios are also equipped with a small cooking corner.

Студентски общежития - Единична стая - Без храна

395 лева

Student residence Seeblick - Single-person room (10m sq) - No meals

Възраст: 18 години и по-възрастни
Адрес: Bahnhof 1f, Lindau 88131, Deutschland
Населено място: In the city center of Линдау
Вид настаняване: Студентски общежития (по-корпус)
Вид стая: Единична стая
Вид хранене: Без храна
Учебна база: Кухня, пране, безплатен интернет, и отопление
Разстояние до училище: 2 минути с walk
Наличност: януари - декември
Ден на пристигане: неделя, след 03:00
Ден на заминаване: събота, преди 10:00
395 лева
Our shared flat offers the possibility for students to live together in a small international community.

The shared flat with view on the Lake Constance is located in the same building as our school, directly on the Lindau island at the harbor. The city center is about 3 minutes away (by foot). The shared flat is located on the second floor and includes 3 rooms (single and double).

The accommodation offers a common room, an inviting kitchen with a dining corner and a common bathroom.

2 minutes to the school by foot
3 minutes to the town center by foot
Single and double rooms
Common kitchen, common bathroom and one common room
bedding every 2 weeks
Washing machine/laundry rack
weekly cleaning service of common areas

Студентски общежития - Единична стая - Без храна

479 лева

Student residence Seeblick - Single-person room (17m sq) - No meals

Възраст: 18 години и по-възрастни
Адрес: Bahnhof 1f, Lindau 88131, Deutschland
Населено място: In the city center of Линдау
Вид настаняване: Студентски общежития (по-корпус)
Вид стая: Единична стая
Вид хранене: Без храна
Учебна база: Кухня, пране, безплатен интернет, и отопление
Разстояние до училище: 2 минути с walk
Наличност: януари - декември
Ден на пристигане: неделя, след 03:00
Ден на заминаване: събота, преди 10:00
479 лева
Our shared flat offers the possibility for students to live together in a small international community.

The shared flat with view on the Lake Constance is located in the same building as our school, directly on the Lindau island at the harbor. The city center is about 3 minutes away (by foot). The shared flat is located on the second floor and includes 3 rooms (single and double).

The accommodation offers a common room, an inviting kitchen with a dining corner and a common bathroom.

2 minutes to the school by foot
3 minutes to the town center by foot
Single and double rooms
Common kitchen, common bathroom and one common room
bedding every 2 weeks
Washing machine/laundry rack
weekly cleaning service of common areas

Студентски общежития - Единична стая - Без храна

521 лева

Student residence Europaplatz - Single-person room - No meals

Възраст: 18 - 35 години
Адрес: Europaplatz 1, Lindau 88131, Deutschland
Населено място: In the city center of Линдау
Вид настаняване: Студентски пребиваване (извън корпус)
Вид стая: Единична стая
Вид хранене: Без храна
Учебна база: Кухня, пране, безжичен интернет, безплатен интернет, килим, отопление, и градина
Разстояние до училище: 15 минути с walk
Наличност: януари - декември
Ден на пристигане: неделя, след 02:00
Ден на заминаване: събота, преди 10:00
521 лева
Dialoge’s student dormatory offers the opportunity for our students to live together in an international surrounding and experience different cultures.

The student dormatory has a modern interior style and is completely equipped. Cheerful games playing evenings, just watching TV or common cooking evenings are part of the experience.

By foot, the dormatory is just 15 Minutes away from the school. It comes with single and double rooms, several bathrooms, a big kitchen, a washing machine and a living room with SatTV.

Студентски общежития - Единична стая - Без храна

542 лева

Student residence Seenest Mini studios - Single-person room - No meals

Възраст: 18 години и по-възрастни
Вид настаняване: Студентски общежития
Вид стая: Единична стая
Вид хранене: Без храна
Учебна база: Кухня, безжичен интернет, и безплатен интернет
Разстояние до училище: 2 минути с walk
Наличност: януари - декември
Ден на пристигане: неделя, по всяко време
Ден на заминаване: събота, по всяко време
542 лева
Our accommodation “Seenest” offers more privacy and independence than the shared accommodations.

The modern and comfortable equipped mini-studios are located on Lindau island in the middle of the old town center. The school is only two minutes away by foot. You’ll find restaurants, bars and shops in the immediate area.

The mini-studios are located in a small, picturesque house. On each floor there are 2 mini-studios and a common toilet. Each studio offers a shower and a sink. The studios are also equipped with a small cooking corner.

Помощ за виза

Не можем да кандидатстваме за виза от името на студентите, но училището може да Ви осигури цялата документация, от която се нуждаете.

Вашето писмо за приемане ще получите по пощата без допълнителни такси.

Полети и транспорт от летището

Please note that we do not book flights for our students. If you are researching airfare costs, we recommend using, a search engine that lets you compare flight options from your home country to Линдау based on your budget, schedule and preferences.

Пътническа застраховка

Обучението в чужбина е безпроблемно с покритието на застраховките здравна и лични вещи от Language International. Когато резервирате курс при нас, можете да изберете да закупите международен план на застраховка, който обхваща не само стойността на лечението, но и загуба на лични вещи. Трябва да резервирате застраховката си когато се регистрирате.

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