Gran Canaria School of Languages
C/ Dr. Grau Bassas 27, Las Palmas de Gran Canaria, 35007, Spain
Gran Canaria School of Languages
Слушане, Говорейки, произношение, четене, писане, речник, граматика и дейности
You can choose from the following class times:
Програмата на класа може да бъде променена според заетостта и сезона.
The private course is for students who want to maximize their language learning practice during their stay. The course focuses heavily on the student's weaknesses
The classes stress the use of language in everyday situations. The student will work on grammar, pronunciation, vocabulary, reading, writing, speaking and listening.
Textbooks and a variety of other materials are used in instruction, including role-playing, newspapers, magazines and other materials, acording to the student's level.
Advanced students also have the option of studying in the test-preparation and business classes.
Средно | 1 студент |
Максимално | 1 студент |
Възраст | 18 години и по-възрастни |
Методологията, прилагана на езиковото училище Гран Канария, поставя специален акцент върху развитието на езикови умения, устни и писмени, като същевременно преподава и граматически основи на езика. Така че това е комбинация от преки и традиционни методи. Крайната цел е нашите ученици да могат да общуват свободно и правилно на испански език. Използването на изучавания и изучаван език е основно изискване за класната стая. Класовете са с участието, включително използването на компактдискове, видеоклипове и др. За подобряване на разбирането на испанския език. В допълнение към изучаването на езика, ние се опитваме да доближим испанската култура до ученика с помощта на автентичен материал.
Училището притежава 3 сгради в близост един до друг и всички разположени само на няколко метра от плажа на Лас Палмас (Canteras Beach), един от най-красивите в Испания с 3 км. от фин златист пясък и оживена алея, изпълнена с тераси-барове и ресторанти. Училището заема една от сградите; другите сгради са жилищата.
Училищната сграда има максимален капацитет от 80 ученика в 8 класни стаи. Това е двуетажна конструкция с два Канарски дворца, които се ползват като салон, свързващ офиси, някои класни стаи и компютърна зала за достъп до интернет. На втория етаж има повече класни стаи, библиотека и тераса, които могат да бъдат използвани от учениците като зона за събиране и почивка. Всяка класна стая е оборудвана с видео и аудио устройства и слайд проектор.
Всички часове за обучение, свързани с банковите дни, се събират през седмицата с един допълнителен час през останалите работни дни, независимо от казаното по-долу, което не е правилно.
Учебният материал не е включен в цената на обучението и трябва да бъде закупен при пристигане в училището. Цената може да варира в зависимост от нивото / темата, вариращи между 18 € и 25 €
Различните националности и възрасти в Gran Canaria School of Languages varies варират според периода, курса и нивото.
В училището се обучават студенти от цял свят, включително
Училището и двете му жилищни сгради са разположени в пристанището и плажната ивица.
Плажът Las Canteras в Лас Палмас де Гран Канария е един от най-красивите и известни плажове в Испания и е с дължина около 3,8 км. От брега на морето има бариерен риф, дълга скална формация, която се простира недалеч от златния пясък. Тази единична ивица вулканична скала предпазва плажа от приливите и отлива и превръща залива в най-доброто място от тази страна на земното кълбо, за да плува и практически „ходи по водата” в деня на отлива.
Когато разходка е ваш избор, препоръчваме дългия тротоар, който граничи с плажа и който съдържа много ресторанти, барове, кафенета, магазини за сладолед и ресторанти с прясна риба. В другия край на плажа е средата за сърфиране около аудиторията на Алфредо Краус, където има още кафенета и барове край морето.
Недалеч от плажа, училището и неговото настаняване ще намерите множество търговски улици, банки, автогара на летището, уютни паркове, заведения и нощни клубове.
My teacher was really good. Interesting subjects to discuss. Really good in teaching grammar. I liked the small group of 5 students. It made us talk a lot.
Unfortunately the chairs was not the best. But the rest of the facilities was ok.
It was a positive experience, I was lucky enough to stay in the apartment very close to the school, which is located in a very beautiful strategic area close to the Las Canteras beach, a few hundred meters from the bus station and the port . The teacher Profesora Marta was very good. The school structure is not new but has everything you need and a very welcoming informal atmosphere. So all is well.
Покажи подробности » Прочетете още...I did a week of group classes last year and then private classes this year - satisfied with both.
Location is great and building old and charming
Teachers are great
Excellent school in City centre, easy, good value, near beach
Покажи подробности » Прочетете още...The progress in the classes with some homework was very well balanced. Not too much at one time, however going steadily forward.
The teacher could well take into account the the previous knowledge of the pupils and her own output was clear and efficient.
The school location in the very city is optimal.
I really want to learn Spanish and Gran Canaria School was what I chosen and I am very happy for my choice. But at the same time it was much more difficult than I expected. The hardest things was the high speed and focus on grammar. Together with an old (I am 63) brain without studying in 45 years it was little bit of a chock.
The good thing was that our teacher (ana) was fantastic. After two weeks with more concentration and motivation I said to myself that this have been given me a great platform to continue with. I suppose I will add another weeks in the future in the school, but now I think it is good to practise by myself for a while. When you get as much information as I did during these 40 hours the brain is full and continue fill it with new learning will not be good for my engagement. The only thing that could be better was the air in the locations. After a few hours there was not so much oxygen left and very warm. There was fans in the ceiling but they did not work. I hope they solve it if I come back.
Teacher was friendly and I got free one to one sessions.
Покажи подробности » Прочетете още...In class we did a lot of grammar which was pretty good to to remind the present tense correctly
In the private lessons, we almost had a conversation the whole lesson which was pretty fun and it improved my oral skills a lot
I’m general I really liked the school and I’ll come back for sure
ich bin mir der schule nicht richtig glücklich geworden. es liegt prima an der lehrerin, aber ich denke auch am system. hier meine eindrücke im einzelnen:
A1 kurs bedeutet für absolute anfänger. dann kann ich erwarten daß eine pädagogin entsprechend LANGSAM im erklären und selbst redent vor geht. leider ist das nicht der fall gewesen. noch mehr erschrocken haben mich die beiden antworten die ich auf meine täglichen bitten hin von ihr bekam. die anworten waren: a. man spricht in spanisch im allgemeinen schnell b. wenn du deutsch redest dann redest du auch schnell.
da stellt sich bei mir schon die frage nach der pädagogischen kompetenz. wie kann eine lehrkraft mir ernsthaft solche antworten geben ?
und weiter: es gab bei uns in der gruppe der KEIN englisch konnte aus der ehemaligen DDR. aber es wird stillschweigend angenommen daß ALLE englisch können, und so gab dann die lehrerin alle erklärungen auf englisch mit dem ergebnis daß dieser Teilnehmer nach weniger wie einer Woche unterricht den kurs abgebrochen hatte.
ich weiss nicht ob es stimmt daß es bedingung ist in einem 4 wochen kurs die beiden A1 Bücher durch zu arbeiten. der grund liegt darin daß ansonsten KEINE bildungsgutscheine ausgestellt werden können. da frage ich mich nach dem sinn und zweck solcher massnahmen wenn er lehrstoff durchgezogen werden muss nur weil irgend welche Beamten die nicht aus der praxis kommen diese regeln vorsetzen. weshalb mussen sich also inhalte und Kursteilnehmer einem System anpassen was sie masslos überfordert. diesen eindruck haben sehr sehr viele in den Gruppen, das würde ich nicht schreiben wenn es nicht so wäre. Es ist doch viel sinnvoller der unterrrichtsstoff und die Lehrerin passen sich bitte schön an den bedürfnissen der Teilnehmer an, oder ?
ich habe es sehr vermisst daß es keine Lerngruppen gab, daß es in den Unterkünften und auch der Schule keine Gemeinschaftsräume gab.... jeder ist für sich alleine und wurschtelt sich so durch. und das sprechen der sprache tritt mehr und mehr in den hintergrund, wichtig ist die grammaitk, das was die lehrerin an die tafel schreib die eh zu 90 prozent der zeit spricht... und das man das buch durch ackert ?
und leider gibt es offenbar immer die gleiche lehrkraft die die kurse A1, A2, B1 etc. machen was ich auch sehr bedauere da es dann keinen lehrerwechsel ermöglicht. eventuell macht aber auch hier das system die lehrer betriebsblind wenn der eine lehrkraft 10 jahre lang A1 und die andere lehrkraft 10 jahre lang A2 kurse gibt ?
ich weiss nicht woran das liegt, aber nach meinen erfahrungen kann ich die schule und das system auf gar keinen fall weiter empfehlen.
und ich bin einer von zig 1000 schülern die diese schule kennen gelernt haben und jährlich durchlaufen, und meine antwort wird kaum auswirkungen haben das weiss ich - aber ich bin ja gefragt worden weswegen ich auch offen und ehrlich antworte.
herzliche grüße
Many thanks for great possibility to enhance my spanish skills at Gran Canaria School of Languages.Perfect location ,close to the beach,fantastic atmosphere at school and patience,understanding of teachers.
Покажи подробности » Прочетете още...My two week course was like a dream and a very pleasant one. Firstly the climate - Las Palmas is a world class location during the European winter months. The school is located just two blocks from the Atlantic Ocean and the famous Las Canteras beach. At the same time it is in the middle of a normal Spanish city and all the services. Our initial study group of A2 level consisted of 9 people representing 8 nationalities and 6 native languages. Our common language was Spanish so we spoke Spanish to each other in class and also outside the classroom. It was great. Rita was a very effective, calm and patient young teacher and very skillful in her interactions with people of many ages and backgrounds. Personally I knew all the grammatical details of the course in theory but had never been able to use that theoretical knowledge in a practical context. After a few days I began to use Spanish exclusively in all the shops and restaurants I visited. It went really well. I also began to think in Spanish, which is a very useful way to discover where you have more work to do in terms of vocabulary and so on. It seems to me to be very good result in just two weeks. I may do it again in the future. The school has it´s own teaching material which I rate as very good and pretty useful even after the course to refresh ones memory as it is pretty compact and logically put together. As to facilities, this is a pretty typical little school. The little garden upstairs is lovely, although I suspect it goes unnoticed for many pupils. I stayed in an airbnb apartment so I have no comments on the school´s own housing. As for complaints, I can´t think of anything, except that my two weeks went by too quickly. Thank You, abrazos para Rita.
Покажи подробности » Прочетете още...I studied one week in the C1 level. We were 5 student, all of which coming from different countries. Our teacher Patxi was very nice and experienced professional and created a good atmosphere in the classroom. This was the second time I studied in this school and I will return again for sure!
Покажи подробности » Прочетете още...Succesful level test, good teachers, well structured lessons, very clear spanish grammar.
For me the level was correct, challengng but not too difficult, Howver for some other students in the group a lower level had been more useful. I was told, that the school has a policy, that re-evaluations are not applied. Please reconsider that policy.
I did not participate the social activities.
Satisfaction of the experience, fantastic school ... congratulations to all the teachers in particular to Rita who teaches with great competence and passion. And congratulations to the cook, Soraya
Покажи подробности » Прочетете още...I liked all of it. My old colleague and I promised each other, that the the next time we will do it together.
Покажи подробности » Прочетете още...I attended Carlos' lesson for one morning: Level B2. I enjoyed the clarity of his explanations, his humour and the fact that we were only four students. However, I was discouraged by the quantity and the high level of grammar exercises so I changed groups and attend Carmen's lessons instead which was Level B1. In spite of having about 15 students, of all nationalities, we managed to talk a lot, in pairs or not. We discussed structures ( for example, probability ) and then applied them to a theme ( for ex. tomorrow's world ). We also read texts having cultural interest and listened to songs. She was very good and the rhythm was fast.
However, I would have liked a more original approach, as we were in a Spanish-speaking country. What about inquiries in the streets, in shops, on the beach, in museums, in our various hotels, in the tourist-office etc.? What about visiting Las Palmas with challenges, visiting a school etc.?After all, we were not in our respective countries and the whole town of Las Palmas is like a huge language-school!
Ana was such a brilliant and great tutor, I wish I could have taken more lessons with her.
Покажи подробности » Прочетете още...My goal with the one week course was to freshen up my basic Spanish that I started to learn 5 years ago and since then have not used at all. I succeeded, because by the end of the course I could again put simple sentences together, and I improved my vocabulary and grammar. I started at the end of the Level A1 - the beginner level - so I skipped the very basic stuff, but still was able to follow the program.
Our teacher was very competent, involved the students and was very good in explaining the unknown words or phrases in Spanish (using English only a few times). During the four hours per day he managed to introduce the required material and we still had time for some simple conversations.
The school location was central, close to the beach, hotels, restaurants etc. The same is true with the residence where I stayed. The room was small and very simple, but had the necessary furniture. There was a small kitchen in a building, though without an oven, but with an electrical kettle and a fridge.
The school prepared some excursions during the week, different from week to another, and it was worth it to go on one or two together with the other students.
I was not very satisfied with the food provided by the school - breakfast and lunch during the week and dinner during the weekend. The food was usually not very tasty and comparing to what was possible to buy in the restaurants, it was not cheap - bad value for money.
I liked my class even when we had a lot of people. It was fun! My teacher was really good! She was patient, funny, open-minded, and everything she said made sense. And I understood almost everything because she used different words to describe something.
There is nothing I can complain about. I haven't lived at the school so I can't say anything about that, but friends told me it's acceptable and the food was good too.
Студентските общежития са подходящи за независими студенти, които търсят добри битови условия на изгодна цена. Всички студенти трябва да бъдат на 18+, освен ако не е отбелязано друго. Вашето настаняване е валидно от неделята преди първия Ви учебен ден до събота след последния Ви ден на занятия, освен ако не е отбелязано друго. При тях обикновено не се включва хранене. Научете повече за настаняването в студентски общежития
Double room Shared kitchen
Възможно е по време на престоя Ви в Лас Палмас де Гран Канария да наемете апартамент, но обикновено е доста по-скъпо. Gran Canaria School предлага помощ при наемането на апртамент или може да потърсите сами. Научете повече за настаняването в апартамент
Не можем да кандидатстваме за виза от името на студентите, но училището може да Ви осигури цялата документация, от която се нуждаете.
Вашето писмо за приемане ще получите по пощата без допълнителни такси. Ако желаете да получите документи си по експресна поща, ще трябва да заплатите 50 €, когато се регистрирате.
Please note that we do not book flights for our students. If you are researching airfare costs, we recommend using, a search engine that lets you compare flight options from your home country to Лас Палмас де Гран Канария based on your budget, schedule and preferences.
Обучението в чужбина е безпроблемно с покритието на застраховките здравна и лични вещи от Language International. Когато резервирате курс при нас, можете да изберете да закупите международен план на застраховка, който обхваща не само стойността на лечението, но и загуба на лични вещи. Трябва да резервирате застраховката си когато се регистрирате.
Имате въпроси? Получете отговори от училищния персонал и предишните студенти.
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