Supplementary TOEIC Plus 10 lessons (7.5hrs) per week

IELS Malta - Institute of English Language Studies Limited


Теми на курса

Слушане, Говорейки, произношение, четене, писане, речник и граматика

Разписание на класа

Продължителност на класа
1-7 седмици
Начални дати
Всеки понеделник
Начални дати за начинаещи
Всеки първи понеделник от месеца
Занятия седмично
10 lessons per week (всеки урок продължава 45 мин.)
Учебни дни
понеделник - петък
Училищни ваканции
13 дек 2024 и 25 дек 2024

IELS Malta не предлага обучение по време на почивните дни изброени отгоре. Училището не предлага компенсация за тези дни, така че бъдете сигурни, че внимателно сте избрали началната дата.

Програмата на класа може да бъде променена според заетостта и сезона.

Описание на курса

Supplementary Courses may be combined with one of the Core Courses except Intensive English.

Test of English for International Communication, TOEIC, is a globally recognised English language exam, which evaluates the ability to use English in an international working environment. A large number of organisations around the world use this test to evaluate the English communication ability of potential employees.

Printed materials are provided for IELTS and TOEIC. Course book can be purchased at extra cost.

IELTS and TOEIC examination fees are not included. Exam bookings must be placed at least 10 weeks before the exam date.

Lessons per week (hours): 10 lessons (7.5 hours)
Average class size:12 students
Maximum class size: 15 students
Week: 1-7
Level: Intermediate +
Timetable: Afternoon
Start Date: Every Monday

***Minimum Age***
18 years old between 24 Jun to 30 Aug.
Students under 18 are legally minors and are subject to additional terms and conditions

Ниво на класа

Висока междинни
You will take a placement test before your arrival in Слиема to determine your class level.

Брой студенти в клас

Средно 12 студенти
Максимално 15 студенти

Възраст на студента

Възраст 16 години и по-възрастни
Средно 30 години
(26 през лятото)


В края на курса ще Ви бъде издаден сертификат за завършване.
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  • Студентски общежития, предлагани от IELS Malta - Institute of English Language Studies Limited 18/161
  • Студентски общежития, предлагани от IELS Malta - Institute of English Language Studies Limited 19/161
  • Студентски общежития, предлагани от IELS Malta - Institute of English Language Studies Limited 20/161
  • Студентски общежития, предлагани от IELS Malta - Institute of English Language Studies Limited 21/161
  • Студентски общежития, предлагани от IELS Malta - Institute of English Language Studies Limited 22/161
  • Студентски общежития, предлагани от IELS Malta - Institute of English Language Studies Limited 23/161
  • Студентски общежития, предлагани от IELS Malta - Institute of English Language Studies Limited 24/161
  • Студентски общежития, предлагани от IELS Malta - Institute of English Language Studies Limited 25/161
  • Студентски общежития, предлагани от IELS Malta - Institute of English Language Studies Limited 26/161
  • Студентски общежития, предлагани от IELS Malta - Institute of English Language Studies Limited 27/161
  • Студентски общежития, предлагани от IELS Malta - Institute of English Language Studies Limited 28/161
  • Студентски общежития, предлагани от IELS Malta - Institute of English Language Studies Limited 29/161
  • Студентски общежития, предлагани от IELS Malta - Institute of English Language Studies Limited 30/161
  • Студентски общежития, предлагани от IELS Malta - Institute of English Language Studies Limited 31/161
  • Студентски общежития, предлагани от IELS Malta - Institute of English Language Studies Limited 32/161
  • Студентски общежития, предлагани от IELS Malta - Institute of English Language Studies Limited 33/161
  • Студентски общежития, предлагани от IELS Malta - Institute of English Language Studies Limited 34/161
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  • Apartments offered by IELS Malta - Institute of English Language Studies Limited 38/161
  • Apartments offered by IELS Malta - Institute of English Language Studies Limited 39/161
  • Apartments offered by IELS Malta - Institute of English Language Studies Limited 40/161
  • Apartments offered by IELS Malta - Institute of English Language Studies Limited 41/161
  • Apartments offered by IELS Malta - Institute of English Language Studies Limited 42/161
  • Apartments offered by IELS Malta - Institute of English Language Studies Limited 43/161
  • Apartments offered by IELS Malta - Institute of English Language Studies Limited 44/161
  • Apartments offered by IELS Malta - Institute of English Language Studies Limited 45/161
  • Apartments offered by IELS Malta - Institute of English Language Studies Limited 46/161
  • Apartments offered by IELS Malta - Institute of English Language Studies Limited 47/161
  • Apartments offered by IELS Malta - Institute of English Language Studies Limited 48/161
  • Студентски общежития, предлагани от IELS Malta - Institute of English Language Studies Limited 49/161
  • Студентски общежития, предлагани от IELS Malta - Institute of English Language Studies Limited 50/161
  • Студентски общежития, предлагани от IELS Malta - Institute of English Language Studies Limited 51/161
  • Студентски общежития, предлагани от IELS Malta - Institute of English Language Studies Limited 52/161
  • Студентски общежития, предлагани от IELS Malta - Institute of English Language Studies Limited 53/161
  • Студентски общежития, предлагани от IELS Malta - Institute of English Language Studies Limited 54/161
  • Студентски общежития, предлагани от IELS Malta - Institute of English Language Studies Limited 55/161
  • Студентски общежития, предлагани от IELS Malta - Institute of English Language Studies Limited 56/161
  • Студентски общежития, предлагани от IELS Malta - Institute of English Language Studies Limited 57/161
  • Студентски общежития, предлагани от IELS Malta - Institute of English Language Studies Limited 58/161
  • Студентски общежития, предлагани от IELS Malta - Institute of English Language Studies Limited 59/161
  • Студентски общежития, предлагани от IELS Malta - Institute of English Language Studies Limited 60/161
  • Студентски общежития, предлагани от IELS Malta - Institute of English Language Studies Limited 61/161
  • Студентски общежития, предлагани от IELS Malta - Institute of English Language Studies Limited 62/161
  • Студентски общежития, предлагани от IELS Malta - Institute of English Language Studies Limited 63/161
  • Студентски общежития, предлагани от IELS Malta - Institute of English Language Studies Limited 64/161
  • Студентски общежития, предлагани от IELS Malta - Institute of English Language Studies Limited 65/161
  • Студентски общежития, предлагани от IELS Malta - Institute of English Language Studies Limited 66/161
  • Студентски общежития, предлагани от IELS Malta - Institute of English Language Studies Limited 67/161
  • Студентски общежития, предлагани от IELS Malta - Institute of English Language Studies Limited 68/161
  • Студентски общежития, предлагани от IELS Malta - Institute of English Language Studies Limited 69/161
  • Студентски общежития, предлагани от IELS Malta - Institute of English Language Studies Limited 70/161
  • Студентски общежития, предлагани от IELS Malta - Institute of English Language Studies Limited 71/161
  • Студентски общежития, предлагани от IELS Malta - Institute of English Language Studies Limited 72/161
  • Студентски общежития, предлагани от IELS Malta - Institute of English Language Studies Limited 73/161
  • Студентски общежития, предлагани от IELS Malta - Institute of English Language Studies Limited 74/161
  • Студентски общежития, предлагани от IELS Malta - Institute of English Language Studies Limited 75/161
  • Студентски общежития, предлагани от IELS Malta - Institute of English Language Studies Limited 76/161
  • Студентски общежития, предлагани от IELS Malta - Institute of English Language Studies Limited 77/161
  • Студентски общежития, предлагани от IELS Malta - Institute of English Language Studies Limited 78/161
  • Студентски общежития, предлагани от IELS Malta - Institute of English Language Studies Limited 79/161
  • Студентски общежития, предлагани от IELS Malta - Institute of English Language Studies Limited 80/161
  • Студентски общежития, предлагани от IELS Malta - Institute of English Language Studies Limited 81/161
  • Студентски общежития, предлагани от IELS Malta - Institute of English Language Studies Limited 82/161
  • Студентски общежития, предлагани от IELS Malta - Institute of English Language Studies Limited 83/161
  • Студентски общежития, предлагани от IELS Malta - Institute of English Language Studies Limited 84/161
  • Студентски общежития, предлагани от IELS Malta - Institute of English Language Studies Limited 85/161
  • Студентски общежития, предлагани от IELS Malta - Institute of English Language Studies Limited 86/161
  • Студентски общежития, предлагани от IELS Malta - Institute of English Language Studies Limited 87/161
  • Студентски общежития, предлагани от IELS Malta - Institute of English Language Studies Limited 88/161
  • Студентски общежития, предлагани от IELS Malta - Institute of English Language Studies Limited 89/161
  • Студентски общежития, предлагани от IELS Malta - Institute of English Language Studies Limited 90/161
  • Студентски общежития, предлагани от IELS Malta - Institute of English Language Studies Limited 91/161
  • Студентски общежития, предлагани от IELS Malta - Institute of English Language Studies Limited 92/161
  • Студентски общежития, предлагани от IELS Malta - Institute of English Language Studies Limited 93/161
  • Студентски общежития, предлагани от IELS Malta - Institute of English Language Studies Limited 94/161
  • Студентски общежития, предлагани от IELS Malta - Institute of English Language Studies Limited 95/161
  • Студентски общежития, предлагани от IELS Malta - Institute of English Language Studies Limited 96/161
  • Студентски общежития, предлагани от IELS Malta - Institute of English Language Studies Limited 97/161
  • Студентски общежития, предлагани от IELS Malta - Institute of English Language Studies Limited 98/161
  • Студентски общежития, предлагани от IELS Malta - Institute of English Language Studies Limited 99/161
  • Студентски общежития, предлагани от IELS Malta - Institute of English Language Studies Limited 100/161
  • Студентски общежития, предлагани от IELS Malta - Institute of English Language Studies Limited 101/161
  • Студентски общежития, предлагани от IELS Malta - Institute of English Language Studies Limited 102/161
  • Студентски общежития, предлагани от IELS Malta - Institute of English Language Studies Limited 103/161
  • Студентски общежития, предлагани от IELS Malta - Institute of English Language Studies Limited 104/161
  • Студентски общежития, предлагани от IELS Malta - Institute of English Language Studies Limited 105/161
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  • Студентски общежития, предлагани от IELS Malta - Institute of English Language Studies Limited 108/161
  • Студентски общежития, предлагани от IELS Malta - Institute of English Language Studies Limited 109/161
  • Студентски общежития, предлагани от IELS Malta - Institute of English Language Studies Limited 110/161
  • Студентски общежития, предлагани от IELS Malta - Institute of English Language Studies Limited 111/161
  • Студентски общежития, предлагани от IELS Malta - Institute of English Language Studies Limited 112/161
  • Студентски общежития, предлагани от IELS Malta - Institute of English Language Studies Limited 113/161
  • Студентски общежития, предлагани от IELS Malta - Institute of English Language Studies Limited 114/161
  • Студентски общежития, предлагани от IELS Malta - Institute of English Language Studies Limited 115/161
  • Студентски общежития, предлагани от IELS Malta - Institute of English Language Studies Limited 116/161
  • Студентски общежития, предлагани от IELS Malta - Institute of English Language Studies Limited 117/161
  • Студентски общежития, предлагани от IELS Malta - Institute of English Language Studies Limited 118/161
  • Студентски общежития, предлагани от IELS Malta - Institute of English Language Studies Limited 119/161
  • Студентски общежития, предлагани от IELS Malta - Institute of English Language Studies Limited 120/161
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  • IELS Malta - Institute of English Language Studies Limited 158/161
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50% препоръчително

според 2 мнения
5 звезди
4 звезди
3 звезди
2 звезди
1 звезда
Качество на обучението
Учебна база
Социални занимания
Местонахождение на училището

"Teacher is good"

YUKO NANJO, студент от Великобритания

activity is not going well cuz they keep same activites every week. especially, when it was first day, we have only club activity for isocianl whose activity starts very late at night so that most of students could not join it.

Прочетете още...

Моите оценки за това училище

Качество на обучението
Учебна база
Социални занимания
Местонахождение на училището
Продължителност на обучението
1 седмица
Дата на обучението
20 May 2024 - 31 May 2024
Бихте ли препоръчали това училище?
Това е удостоверен преглед. Този студент e резервирал курс на обучение в това училище Language International.
Dyeneffer Oliveira, Centre Sales Manager on behalf of the Welfare Manager at IELS Malta - Institute of English Language Studies Limited responded to this review.
24 June 2024

Dear Yuko,

Thank you for your feedback. We take all feedback very constructively and use it as an opportunity for improvement. We always work on offering a wide range of activities, however, it also depends on other factors such as availability, weather conditions, number of bookings etc. Therefore, it might happen that some activities repeat.

We are always happy to discuss students’ requests in person, please feel free to talk to the Leisure Team at school reception.

Best Regards,

IELS Malta

"The school and education were more than I ever expected. Excellent!"

Anette Mäkelä, студент от Финландия

Education in the school was high quality and interesting. Groups were good sizes and supported learning. I recommend!

Прочетете още...

Моите оценки за това училище

Качество на обучението
Учебна база
Социални занимания
Местонахождение на училището
Дата на обучението
8 Aug 2022 - 12 Aug 2022
Бихте ли препоръчали това училище?
Това е удостоверен преглед. Този студент e резервирал курс на обучение в това училище Language International.
IELS (Institute of English Language Studies), Sales Team at IELS Malta - Institute of English Language Studies Limited responded to this review.
05 September 2022

Dear Anette,

Thank you very much for your feedback and we are very happy that you enjoyed your stay with us.

It is always nice to hear great reviews as yours.

We are looking forward to welcoming you again in our school.

Warm regards,




!school предлага следните видове настаняване:

Домашен престой - 2 души в обща стая - Закуска и вечеря

574 лева

Host Home Shared Room HB (Shared Bathroom)

Възраст: 16 години и по-възрастни
Населено място: In the city center of Слиема
Вид настаняване: Домашен престой
Вид стая: 2 души в обща стая
Вид хранене: Закуска и вечеря (14 хранения на седмица)
Разстояние до училище: 45 минути
Наличност: януари - декември
Ден на пристигане: събота, след 02:00
Ден на заминаване: събота, преди 11:00
574 лева
Maltese people are well renowned for their warm hospitality and friendliness. When staying in a host home, you will get a unique opportunity to experience the Maltese way of life and become immersed in its rich culture and traditions. You will also have an opportunity to practise English you have learnt at school with your Hosts and their family members.

IELS Host Family team carefully selects our Host Homes and regular visits are made to them in order to ensure a high standard is retained. This is an unforgettable experience for those who want to really feel “at home”.

Accommodation is offered in Single or Shared rooms, on half board, with breakfast and dinner included. Bathrooms are usually shared; however, a private bathroom option is also available.

Why choose Homestay?
Most cost-effective accommodation option;
Bills and laundry wash once a week included;
Half Board meals: breakfast and dinner are included;
Our host homes are located within a radius of 45 minutes by bus from the main school.

Regular Homestay: Budget-friendly option, shared or single room with shared or private bathroom. Wireless internet at an extra charge.
Executive Homestay: Higher standard of comfort and facilities, private bathroom and wireless internet included.

Minimum age 16. Bookings run from Saturday to Saturday or
Sunday to Sunday. Check in 14:00, check out 11:00

Домашен престой - Единична стая - Закуска и вечеря

722 лева

Host Home Single Room HB (Shared Bathroom)

Възраст: 16 години и по-възрастни
Населено място: In the city center of Слиема
Вид настаняване: Домашен престой
Вид стая: Единична стая
Вид хранене: Закуска и вечеря (14 хранения на седмица)
Разстояние до училище: 45 минути
Наличност: януари - декември
Ден на пристигане: събота, след 02:00
Ден на заминаване: събота, преди 11:00
722 лева
Maltese people are well renowned for their warm hospitality and friendliness. When staying in a host home, you will get a unique opportunity to experience the Maltese way of life and become immersed in its rich culture and traditions. You will also have an opportunity to practise English you have learnt at school with your Hosts and their family members.

IELS Host Family team carefully selects our Host Homes and regular visits are made to them in order to ensure a high standard is retained. This is an unforgettable experience for those who want to really feel “at home”.

Accommodation is offered in Single or Shared rooms, on half board, with breakfast and dinner included. Bathrooms are usually shared; however, a private bathroom option is also available.

Why choose Homestay?
Most cost-effective accommodation option;
Bills and laundry wash once a week included;
Half Board meals: breakfast and dinner are included;
Our host homes are located within a radius of 45 minutes by bus from the main school.

Regular Homestay: Budget-friendly option, shared or single room with shared or private bathroom. Wireless internet at an extra charge.
Executive Homestay: Higher standard of comfort and facilities, private bathroom and wireless internet included.

Minimum age 16. Bookings run from Saturday to Saturday or
Sunday to Sunday. Check in 14:00, check out 11:00

Домашен престой - Единична стая - Закуска и вечеря

928 лева

Host Home Single Room HB (Private Bathroom)

Възраст: 16 години и по-възрастни
Населено място: In the city center of Слиема
Вид настаняване: Домашен престой
Вид стая: Единична стая
Вид хранене: Закуска и вечеря (14 хранения на седмица)
Учебна база: Частна баня
Разстояние до училище: 45 минути
Наличност: януари - декември
Ден на пристигане: събота, след 02:00
Ден на заминаване: събота, преди 11:00
928 лева
Maltese people are well renowned for their warm hospitality and friendliness. When staying in a host home, you will get a unique opportunity to experience the Maltese way of life and become immersed in its rich culture and traditions. You will also have an opportunity to practise English you have learnt at school with your Hosts and their family members.

IELS Host Family team carefully selects our Host Homes and regular visits are made to them in order to ensure a high standard is retained. This is an unforgettable experience for those who want to really feel “at home”.

Accommodation is offered in Single or Shared rooms, on half board, with breakfast and dinner included. Bathrooms are usually shared; however, a private bathroom option is also available.

Why choose Homestay?
Most cost-effective accommodation option;
Bills and laundry wash once a week included;
Half Board meals: breakfast and dinner are included;
Our host homes are located within a radius of 45 minutes by bus from the main school.

Regular Homestay: Budget-friendly option, shared or single room with shared or private bathroom. Wireless internet at an extra charge.
Executive Homestay: Higher standard of comfort and facilities, private bathroom and wireless internet included.

Minimum age 16. Bookings run from Saturday to Saturday or
Sunday to Sunday. Check in 14:00, check out 11:00

Домашен престой - Единична стая - Закуска и вечеря

1,002 лева

Executive Host Home Single Room HB (Private Bathroom and Internet included)

Възраст: 16 години и по-възрастни
Населено място: In the city center of Слиема
Вид настаняване: Домашен престой
Вид стая: Единична стая
Вид хранене: Закуска и вечеря (14 хранения на седмица)
Учебна база: Частна баня, безжичен интернет, и безплатен интернет
Разстояние до училище: 45 минути
Наличност: януари - декември
Ден на пристигане: събота, след 02:00
Ден на заминаване: събота, преди 11:00
1,002 лева
Maltese people are well renowned for their warm hospitality and friendliness. When staying in a host home, you will get a unique opportunity to experience the Maltese way of life and become immersed in its rich culture and traditions. You will also have an opportunity to practise English you have learnt at school with your Hosts and their family members.

IELS Host Family team carefully selects our Host Homes and regular visits are made to them in order to ensure a high standard is retained. This is an unforgettable experience for those who want to really feel “at home”.

Accommodation is offered in Single or Shared rooms, on half board, with breakfast and dinner included. Bathrooms are usually shared; however, a private bathroom option is also available.

Why choose Homestay?
Most cost-effective accommodation option;
Bills and laundry wash once a week included;
Half Board meals: breakfast and dinner are included;
Our host homes are located within a radius of 45 minutes by bus from the main school.

Regular Homestay: Budget-friendly option, shared or single room with shared or private bathroom. Wireless internet at an extra charge.
Executive Homestay: Higher standard of comfort and facilities, private bathroom and wireless internet included.

Minimum age 16. Bookings run from Saturday to Saturday or
Sunday to Sunday. Check in 14:00, check out 11:00

Студентски общежития - 2 души в обща стая - Без храна

471 лева

Days Inn Hotel Room - Shared Twin Ensuite (Self Catering)

Възраст: 18 години и по-възрастни
Адрес: 75/76, Cathedral Street, Tas-Sliema , Sliema SLM 3052, Malta
Населено място: In the city center of Слиема
Вид настаняване: Студентски пребиваване (извън корпус)
Вид стая: 2 души в обща стая
Вид хранене: Без храна
Учебна база: Частна баня, кухня, пране, телефон, безжичен интернет, безплатен интернет, телевизионна зала, твърда дървесина, климатик, отопление, 24/7 надзор, и друг
Наличност: януари - декември
Ден на пристигане: събота, след 02:00
Ден на заминаване: събота, преди 11:00
471 лева
Day’s Inn Hotel is a self-catering student residence owned and managed by IELS, offering excellent value accommodation close to the school. The newly refurbished, designer finished residence is located in the heart of Sliema, tucked away in a pleasant side street close to main shopping and entertainment area, the sea-front and departure points for public transport, sightseeing buses and cruises. St Julian’s, the popular nightlife area, is only 15 minutes away. The Residence caters for students 18 years and over.

The Residence has a 24-hour Reception service, ensuring our students’ safety, comfort and convenience. Next to the Reception area, there is a nicely decorated lobby area equipped with complimentary Wi-Fi service and furnished with comfortable sofas and tables. A fully equipped communal kitchen is available for all residents. Days Inn also offers a laundry room at an extra cost. During the summer months, students can enjoy a relaxed afternoon at the private rooftop swimming pool and sun terrace which boasts magnificent sea views.

The accommodation offers 54 Hotel Rooms and 45 Studios Rooms, where students can opt for a single room or a shared room option even if the student is travelling alone.

All rooms are air-conditioned with private facilities and only 5 minutes away on foot to school.

Hotel Room: Each have one or two single beds, wardrobe, bedside table and television
Studio Rooms: Each have two single beds, wardrobe, desk, bedside table, television and kitchenette, equipped with a fridge, toaster, kettle, microwave oven and coffee-making facilities

Minimum age 18. Bookings run from Saturday to Saturday or Sunday to Sunday.
Check in 14:00, check out 11:00.

• Day’s Inn Hotel & Residence
Exterior -
Reception -
Breakfast Lounge -
Yard -
Hotel Room -
Studio Room -
Rooftop Pool -

Студентски общежития - 2 души в обща стая - Без храна

471 лева

CampusHUB Residence in Msida - Shared Room Shared Bathroom (Self Catering)

Възраст: 18 години и по-възрастни
Адрес: University of Malta Tal-Qroqq, Msida, L-Imsida MSD 2080, Malta
Населено място: Msida
Вид настаняване: Студентски пребиваване (извън корпус)
Вид стая: 2 души в обща стая
Вид хранене: Без храна
Учебна база: Кухня, пране, безжичен интернет, безплатен интернет, телевизионна зала, климатик, отопление, 24/7 надзор, и друг
Разстояние до училище: 15 - 40 минути с bus
Наличност: януари - декември
Ден на пристигане: събота, след 02:00
Ден на заминаване: събота, преди 11:00
471 лева
Campus Hub is a newly built Student Residence on the campus of the University of Malta, offering modern single or shared rooms accommodation in shared self-catering apartment for University,
Erasmus and Language schools’ students.

The Campus Hub dorms have all been designed and styled with students’ comfort and privacy in mind. The Residence has an onsite laundry area, parking, gym, outdoor pool, on-site Restaurant and Café, Supermarket, stationary and many other useful outlets. Communal areas were created to bring people
together and designed to be as inclusive as possible. Students will have access to a shared communal kitchen with a small living area and TV whilst sharing a bathroom with three to four of your neighbors.

The Residence is ideal for one to emerge into international students’ campus life and is located 25 minutes bus ride or 40 minutes’ walk to IELS Sliema school. Bus Terminus is just across the road

In a shared twin room, students will find two single beds, 2 wardrobes, 2 bedside tables, a mirror and a desk for each to work on with lockable drawers.

All Campus Hub accommodation is designated as no smoking. Smoking is only permitted in designated
external areas.

A refundable deposit is required on check-in to cover for any potential damages. Deposits will be refunded after an inventory check and no damages/loss of items are noted.
- Clients spending up to one month will be charged €100.
- Clients spending up to two months will be charged €200.
- Clients spending up to three months or more will be charged €350.

Minimum age 18. Bookings run from Saturday to Saturday or Sunday to Sunday.
Check in 14:00, check out 11:00.

Студентски общежития - 2 души в обща стая - Без храна

560 лева

Days Inn Studio Room - Shared Twin Ensuite (Self Catering)

Възраст: 18 години и по-възрастни
Адрес: 75/76, Cathedral Street, Tas-Sliema , Sliema SLM 3052, Malta
Населено място: In the city center of Слиема
Вид настаняване: Студентски пребиваване (извън корпус)
Вид стая: 2 души в обща стая
Вид хранене: Без храна
Учебна база: Частна баня, кухня, пране, телефон, безжичен интернет, безплатен интернет, телевизионна зала, твърда дървесина, климатик, отопление, 24/7 надзор, и друг
Наличност: януари - декември
Ден на пристигане: събота, след 02:00
Ден на заминаване: събота, преди 11:00
560 лева
Day’s Inn Hotel is a self-catering student residence owned and managed by IELS, offering excellent value accommodation close to the school. The newly refurbished, designer finished residence is located in the heart of Sliema, tucked away in a pleasant side street close to main shopping and entertainment area, the sea-front and departure points for public transport, sightseeing buses and cruises. St Julian’s, the popular nightlife area, is only 15 minutes away. The Residence caters for students 18 years and over.

The Residence has a 24-hour Reception service, ensuring our students’ safety, comfort and convenience. Next to the Reception area, there is a nicely decorated lobby area equipped with complimentary Wi-Fi service and furnished with comfortable sofas and tables. A fully equipped communal kitchen is available for all residents. Days Inn also offers a laundry room at an extra cost. During the summer months, students can enjoy a relaxed afternoon at the private rooftop swimming pool and sun terrace which boasts magnificent sea views.

The accommodation offers 54 Hotel Rooms and 45 Studios Rooms, where students can opt for a single room or a shared room option even if the student is travelling alone.

All rooms are air-conditioned with private facilities and only 5 minutes away on foot to school.

Hotel Room: Each have one or two single beds, wardrobe, bedside table and television
Studio Rooms: Each have two single beds, wardrobe, desk, bedside table, television and kitchenette, equipped with a fridge, toaster, kettle, microwave oven and coffee-making facilities

Minimum age 18. Bookings run from Saturday to Saturday or Sunday to Sunday.
Check in 14:00, check out 11:00.

Day’s Inn Hotel & Residence
Exterior -
Reception -
Breakfast Lounge -
Yard -
Hotel Room -
Studio Room -
Rooftop Pool -

Студентски общежития - Единична стая - Без храна

781 лева

Days Inn Hotel Room - Single Ensuite (Self Catering)

Възраст: 18 години и по-възрастни
Адрес: 75/76, Cathedral Street, Tas-Sliema , Sliema SLM 3052, Malta
Населено място: In the city center of Слиема
Вид настаняване: Студентски пребиваване (извън корпус)
Вид стая: Единична стая
Вид хранене: Без храна
Учебна база: Частна баня, кухня, пране, телефон, безжичен интернет, безплатен интернет, телевизионна зала, твърда дървесина, климатик, отопление, 24/7 надзор, и друг
Наличност: януари - декември
Ден на пристигане: събота, след 02:00
Ден на заминаване: събота, преди 11:00
781 лева
Day’s Inn Hotel is a self-catering student residence owned and managed by IELS, offering excellent value accommodation close to the school. The newly refurbished, designer finished residence is located in the heart of Sliema, tucked away in a pleasant side street close to main shopping and entertainment area, the sea-front and departure points for public transport, sightseeing buses and cruises. St Julian’s, the popular nightlife area, is only 15 minutes away. The Residence caters for students 18 years and over.

The Residence has a 24-hour Reception service, ensuring our students’ safety, comfort and convenience. Next to the Reception area, there is a nicely decorated lobby area equipped with complimentary Wi-Fi service and furnished with comfortable sofas and tables. A fully equipped communal kitchen is available for all residents. Days Inn also offers a laundry room at an extra cost. During the summer months, students can enjoy a relaxed afternoon at the private rooftop swimming pool and sun terrace which boasts magnificent sea views.

The accommodation offers 54 Hotel Rooms and 45 Studios Rooms, where students can opt for a single room or a shared room option even if the student is travelling alone.

All rooms are air-conditioned with private facilities and only 5 minutes away on foot to school.

Hotel Room: Each have one or two single beds, wardrobe, bedside table and television
Studio Rooms: Each have two single beds, wardrobe, desk, bedside table, television and kitchenette, equipped with a fridge, toaster, kettle, microwave oven and coffee-making facilities

Minimum age 18. Bookings run from Saturday to Saturday or Sunday to Sunday.
Check in 14:00, check out 11:00.

Day’s Inn Hotel & Residence
Exterior -
Reception -
Breakfast Lounge -
Yard -
Hotel Room -
Studio Room -
Rooftop Pool -

Студентски общежития - Единична стая - Без храна

781 лева

CampusHUB Residence in Msida - Single Room Shared Bathroom (Self Catering)

Възраст: 18 години и по-възрастни
Адрес: University of Malta Tal-Qroqq, Msida, L-Imsida MSD 2080, Malta
Населено място: Msida
Вид настаняване: Студентски пребиваване (извън корпус)
Вид стая: Единична стая
Вид хранене: Без храна
Учебна база: Кухня, пране, безжичен интернет, безплатен интернет, телевизионна зала, климатик, отопление, 24/7 надзор, и друг
Разстояние до училище: 15 - 40 минути с bus
Наличност: януари - декември
Ден на пристигане: събота, след 02:00
Ден на заминаване: събота, преди 11:00
781 лева
Campus Hub is a newly built Student Residence on the campus of the University of Malta, offering modern single or shared rooms accommodation in shared self-catering apartment for University,
Erasmus and Language schools’ students.

The Campus Hub dorms have all been designed and styled with students’ comfort and privacy in mind. The Residence has an onsite laundry area, parking, gym, outdoor pool, on-site Restaurant and Café, Supermarket, stationary and many other useful outlets. Communal areas were created to bring people
together and designed to be as inclusive as possible. Students will have access to a shared communal kitchen with a small living area and TV whilst sharing a bathroom with three to four of your neighbors.

The Residence is ideal for one to emerge into international students’ campus life and is located 25 minutes bus ride or 40 minutes’ walk to IELS Sliema school. Bus Terminus is just across the road

Single rooms are equipped with a one and a half-sized width bed, wardrobe space, bedside table, a mirror and a desk to work on with lockable drawers.

All Campus Hub accommodation is designated as no smoking. Smoking is only permitted in designated
external areas.

A refundable deposit is required on check-in to cover for any potential damages. Deposits will be refunded after an inventory check and no damages/loss of items are noted.
- Clients spending up to one month will be charged €100.
- Clients spending up to two months will be charged €200.
- Clients spending up to three months or more will be charged €350.

Minimum age 18. Bookings run from Saturday to Saturday or Sunday to Sunday.
Check in 14:00, check out 11:00

Студентски общежития - Единична стая - Без храна

795 лева

Days Inn Studio Room - Single Ensuite (Self Catering)

Възраст: 18 години и по-възрастни
Адрес: 75/76, Cathedral Street, Tas-Sliema , Sliema SLM 3052, Malta
Населено място: In the city center of Слиема
Вид настаняване: Студентски пребиваване (извън корпус)
Вид стая: Единична стая
Вид хранене: Без храна
Учебна база: Частна баня, кухня, пране, телефон, безжичен интернет, безплатен интернет, телевизионна зала, твърда дървесина, климатик, отопление, 24/7 надзор, и друг
Наличност: януари - декември
Ден на пристигане: събота, след 02:00
Ден на заминаване: събота, преди 11:00
795 лева
Day’s Inn Hotel is a self-catering student residence owned and managed by IELS, offering excellent value accommodation close to the school. The newly refurbished, designer finished residence is located in the heart of Sliema, tucked away in a pleasant side street close to main shopping and entertainment area, the sea-front and departure points for public transport, sightseeing buses and cruises. St Julian’s, the popular nightlife area, is only 15 minutes away. The Residence caters for students 18 years and over.

The Residence has a 24-hour Reception service, ensuring our students’ safety, comfort and convenience. Next to the Reception area, there is a nicely decorated lobby area equipped with complimentary Wi-Fi service and furnished with comfortable sofas and tables. A fully equipped communal kitchen is available for all residents. Days Inn also offers a laundry room at an extra cost. During the summer months, students can enjoy a relaxed afternoon at the private rooftop swimming pool and sun terrace which boasts magnificent sea views.

The accommodation offers 54 Hotel Rooms and 45 Studios Rooms, where students can opt for a single room or a shared room option even if the student is travelling alone.

All rooms are air-conditioned with private facilities and only 5 minutes away on foot to school.

Hotel Room: Each have one or two single beds, wardrobe, bedside table and television
Studio Rooms: Each have two single beds, wardrobe, desk, bedside table, television and kitchenette, equipped with a fridge, toaster, kettle, microwave oven and coffee-making facilities

Minimum age 18. Bookings run from Saturday to Saturday or Sunday to Sunday.
Check in 14:00, check out 11:00.

Day’s Inn Hotel & Residence
Exterior -
Reception -
Breakfast Lounge -
Yard -
Hotel Room -
Studio Room -
Rooftop Pool -

Апартамент - 2 души в обща стая - Без храна

545 лева

Sliema Tigne Suites (Self-catering apartments)

Възраст: 18 години и по-възрастни
Адрес: Triq Mattew Pulis, Tas-Sliema , Sliema SLM 0001, Malta
Населено място: In the city center of Слиема
Вид настаняване: Общ апартамент
Вид стая: 2 души в обща стая
Вид хранене: Без храна
Наличност: януари - декември
Ден на пристигане: събота, след 02:00
Ден на заминаване: събота, преди 11:00
545 лева
Sharing an apartment with other international students is the perfect opportunity to integrate and make long-lasting friendships. All the apartments have a good level of comfort and amenities, and are
located in the heart of Sliema!

Minimum age 18. Bookings run from Saturday to Saturday or Sunday to Sunday.
Check in 14:00, check out 11:00. Apartments are located next door to school.

Next door to IELS
Very close to seafront, gyms, restaurants, cafés, supermarket and many other outlets
2-bedroom apartments, in shared rooms (twin or double): self catering with shared kitchen, shared sitting and dining area, shared bathroom
Communal areas were created to bring people together
Cleaning once a week, bed linen changed once a week, towels changed daily
Free Wi-Fi

Помощ за виза

Не можем да кандидатстваме за виза от името на студентите, но училището може да Ви осигури цялата документация, от която се нуждаете.

Вашето писмо за приемане ще получите по пощата без допълнителни такси. Ако желаете да получите документи си по експресна поща, ще трябва да заплатите 80 €, когато се регистрирате.

Полети и транспорт от летището

Please note that we do not book flights for our students. If you are researching airfare costs, we recommend using, a search engine that lets you compare flight options from your home country to Слиема based on your budget, schedule and preferences.

Пътническа застраховка

Обучението в чужбина е безпроблемно с покритието на застраховките здравна и лични вещи от Language International. Когато резервирате курс при нас, можете да изберете да закупите международен план на застраховка, който обхваща не само стойността на лечението, но и загуба на лични вещи. Трябва да резервирате застраховката си когато се регистрирате.

Научете повече за нашия застрахователен план »

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