Elite Academy is located in beauty city Luxor, a few steps away from the Nile River . The school's excellent location and its wide variety of courses make it an ideal location to study English,Chinese,french and Arabic. students can choose from this above languages, and can decide between just a few lessons per week to six lessons per week. Elite Academy has facilities that include a Eating Space with free internet access and self-study materials, a library and a student lounge and work&study space for students. The school offers a monthly social and leisure calendar to invite students to practice their Arabic skills while visiting popular points of interest in and around the city.
In recent years interest in learning Arabic has grown dramatically. However, many people wishing to learn Arabic find that there is an acute shortage of high quality, reliable and authoritative courses which teach Arabic as a Foreign Language and which are designed for European or Western learners. Chinese House treats Arabic as a dynamic, living language. The focus is on communicating in everyday situations. With us you can learn Arabic in a way that combines learning, application and practice. Chinese House provide you with a structured and appropriate approach, in addition to integrating it with the tools (audios and videos) that will help you training in your spare time, In addition to tours with your trainer, which helps you for live practice and overcome the point of identify your own priorities in the Arabic language . We believe that our educational methodology gives learning a spirit of joy and activity which always makes you wait to learn more.
Въпреки провал при завършване на регистрацията учителката беше много настаняване. Те са отлично гостоприемство и голяма работна атмосфера. more
Имах фантастично преживяване в Ahlan Египет международен език академия. Персоналът на хотела са толкова приятелски и прекрасна. Те се уверете, че имате добре закръглени опит, не само в класната стая, но през целия си престой в Египет.Класа Affaf е... more
Независимо дали сте студент, занимавате се с бизнес или просто турист, в Луксор има езиков курс, който е подходящ за Вас. Ние предлагаме курсове по китайски мандарин език за всички нива, възрасти и продължителност. Изберете вид курс от списъка по-долу, за да започнете.