Learn Dutch & live in your private teacher's home around Amsterdam with Home Language International! Home Language International (HLI) is a family-run business offering language courses in more than 20 languages in over 30 countries worldwide, including Dutch lessons at an experienced private teacher's home in Netherlands. More than 5,000 students take advantage of our services every year. Ian Josephs, Danielle Josephs, their 5 adult children and an expert team of dedicated staff all put in very long hours for HLI. You stay in an experienced teacher's family home, have one-to-one Dutch lessons and then continue to use the language during the rest of your stay in Amsterdam. Because you are the only student, you are guaranteed individual attention. The lessons are completely designed for you, so the teacher will focus exactly on what you need. Mealtime conversation, television and social contacts are all in Dutch. All of our teachers in Netherlands have a university degree (or equivalent) and/or a recognised teaching certificate. All teachers have been visited by one of our local organisers. Their qualifications have been checked and their homes throughly inspected. During your stay in Amsterdam, a local organiser will monitor your progress and make sure your experience is both happy and successful. Home Language International (HLI) is accredited by the Accreditation Body for Language Services (ABLS), Association of Language Travel Organisations (ALTO), and UNOSEL.
The host are located in Amsterdam and surrounding areas.
КАКВО НИ ПРАВИ РАЗЛИЧНИ? Професионални, но и забавни уроци В Language Corner ние вярваме, че изучаването на език трябва да бъде приятно. Ето защо езиковите курсове в Language Corner са професионални и страстни, но и позитивни, социални и забавни. Широка гама от забавни и творчески дейности Ние винаги даваме приоритет на мотивацията и уменията на нашите ученици, затова сме гъвкав екип, който адаптира различни техники, за да има най-голямо въздействие върху вас чрез широк спектър от забавни и творчески дейности. Силно интерактивен В класовете Language Corner не следвате просто един учебник. Уроците ни са много интерактивни и се провеждат в много спокойна и уютна атмосфера с много страстни, забавни и ентусиазирани учители, които ще ви вдъхновят и ще получат най-доброто от вас!
Would you like to learn Dutch? At Koentact we offer various Dutch courses in the city centre of Amsterdam. Our flexible lessons are matched to students experience, comprehension, and needs! Koentact offers various semi-intensive Dutch language courses (31 hours in 5 weeks), including two ‘out-of-the-classroom’ sessions with native Dutch speakers. Koentact’s young and energetic teachers focus on a practical approach towards mastering the Dutch language. Located at the heart of the Jordan Area, Koentact is dedicated to connecting expats and locals. In addition to group courses, Koentact also offers specialised private courses completely tailored to the participant’s needs and corporate packages for both the Dutch and English languages. Now that you’re here, feel free to have a look at the rest of our website! ‘You guys make learning Dutch a hobby!’
Много добър шанс за моята работа и моята почивка. Възползвал съм се максимално. Благодарение на езиковите курсове. Добър опит, хареса ми настаняването в семейството и гостоприемството, както и другите студенти и съоръженията наблизо more
Образованието и местоположението бяха много добри, но социалните възможности и дейности бяха недостатъчни more
Независимо дали сте студент, занимавате се с бизнес или просто турист, в Амстердам има езиков курс, който е подходящ за Вас. Ние предлагаме курсове по холандски език за всички нива, възрасти и продължителност. Изберете вид курс от списъка по-долу, за да започнете.