ILS-Bern е международно призната езикова школа в центъра на Берн.
A home away from home! Our campus is a fully ope- rational hotel that has been recently renovated and is located in the centre of Lenk. Facilities at the cam- pus include: Rooms are either for single or double occupancy and have their own bathrooms with bath or shower, hairdryers, cabinets and heating. The be- drooms include flat screen TVs, new beds, carpe- ting, desks and good lighting. Public facilities include a library, lounge with fire place, bar and restaurants, gym, sauna, steam bath, outdoor swimming pool and gardens as well as an in-house laundry. Wireless Internet is available throughout the campus. We will ensure that you feel comfortable and are well taken care of. It is important for you and SHML that you are happy and successful during your years in Lenk. A library is a place to pursue the truth, gain know- ledge and cultivate the mind. The school set up one classroom as a reading room, we kept increasing the number of books and added new facilities in or- der to keep pace with the needs of teaching and research as per demands of faculty members and students and to provide better services. As a school of Hotel Management, books related to this field are a special feature of the library collection. A virtual lib- rary of text kooks are also available in the academie moodle. The dining room is the heart of any school, welco- ming and providing an environment that encourages and increases the social interaction of students and staff. The food in school is also a useful resource for learning service techniques. Students can get excel- lent practical training in our dining room. Lenk offers a large variety of summer and winter sports and activities: Depending on the season, stu- dents can participate in such sports as volleyball, basketball or swimming. There is an on-campus gym and fitness centre, available for students free of charge. In summer there are long walking and trek- king trails, an 18 hole golf course, swimming, horse- back riding, cycling, mountain biking, tennis, paragli- ding, etc. In winter, students can ski, snowboarding, heli-skiing, cross country walks, sledge rides, hor- seback riding, skating, paragliding, curling, etc. A few minutes away is Gstaad, one of Switzerland’s leading resorts where the rich and famous ming- le and jingle. A full calendar of events is organized each year, including the Swiss Open – a major tennis tournament on the ATP Tour, the FIV Beach Volley Grand Slam and the Menuhin Music Festival. So, if you are tempted by some sports you have never tried before, lessons and equipment rental can easily be arranged. Excursions are plentiful: to Gstaad (30 minutes), Geneva (2 hours), Bern (1.5 hours), Zurich (2 hours), Milan (3.5 hours). Our tuition fees include all aspects of school life such as : * Accommodation (Double standard or *single standard room) * Meals ( Full board) * Housekeeping & laundry service * Health insurance * Cost for registration and residence permit * Uniform * Laptop * Swiss travel card * Student card * Yearly excursion to Europe * All kinds of study materials * Matriculation cost * Full internship assistant *Subject to an extra cost SHML Teachers are highly qualified to teach students Hospitality Management and Culinary Courses. Moreover, Lecturers are very helpful and friendly with students. Lecturers are directing students and teaching them to be creative and responsible.
Училището е на 212 фута висок кораб.
Дойдох в ILS, за да науча немски B2 и в течение на четири седмици смятам, че е постигнат голям напредък. Преди да започна знаех само някои основни неща и не бях достатъчно уверен, за да говоря, но след уроците в ILS мога да разбирам много повече в... more
Учителят Тамара е много мила. Има богат опит в преподаването на немски език. Тя има много търпение и може да използва различни начини, за да позволи на всички да го разберат. Какъв прекрасен учител! Местоположението на ILS е добро. Не е далеч от... more
Независимо дали сте студент, занимавате се с бизнес или просто турист, в Берн има езиков курс, който е подходящ за Вас. Ние предлагаме курсове по английски език за всички нива, възрасти и продължителност. Изберете вид курс от списъка по-долу, за да започнете.