Learn English & live in your private teacher's home around Sydney with Home Language International! Home Language International (HLI) is a family-run business offering language courses in more than 20 languages in over 30 countries worldwide, including English lessons at an experienced private teacher's home in Australia. More than 5,000 students take advantage of our services every year. Ian Josephs, Danielle Josephs, their 5 adult children and an expert team of dedicated staff all put in very long hours for HLI. You stay in an experienced teacher's family home, have one-to-one English lessons and then continue to use the language during the rest of your stay in Sydney. Because you are the only student, you are guaranteed individual attention. The lessons are completely designed for you, so the teacher will focus exactly on what you need. Mealtime conversation, television and social contacts are all in English. All of our teachers in Australia have a university degree (or equivalent) and/or a recognised teaching certificate. All teachers have been visited by one of our local organisers. Their qualifications have been checked and their homes throughly inspected. During your stay in Sydney, a local organiser will monitor your progress and make sure your experience is both happy and successful. Home Language International (HLI) is accredited by the Accreditation Body for Language Services (ABLS), Association of Language Travel Organisations (ALTO), and UNOSEL.
Кампусът в Сидни се намира в емблематичната сграда Woolworths, срещу кметството на Сидни. Той е удобно разположен в централния бизнес район, в близост до основните автобусни линии и жп гарата, и е само на няколко минути пеша от мол Pitt Street, пристанище Дарлинг и красивия Хайд парк. Сидни е най-старият, най-големият и най-разнообразен град в Австралия с население от над четири милиона души. Този оживен, космополитен град е популярна туристическа дестинация с огромен избор от възможности за разглеждане на забележителности. Играйте на открито на един от 30-те плажа за сърф, включително легендарния Bondi Beach или се насладете на разходка по красивото пристанище, цъфтящо с платноходки. Посетете световноизвестната опера, вечеряйте в оживени ресторанти или разгледайте градските галерии, празнуващи местното аборигенско изкуство.
Този курс има за цел да подобри общото ниво на английски език в чужбина. След като курсът приключи, студентите трябва да са готови да влязат в следващия клас. Общите часове по английски език също са основа за студентите да преминат към по-специализирани области, като IELTS Test Test. Студентите ще развият своите умения по английски език чрез редица задачи, предназначени да развият уменията си за четене, писане, говорене и слушане, както и за подобряване на произношението и знанията си по граматика. Този курс е предназначен за студенти, които искат да разширят своите умения за комуникация и разговор на английски език в ежедневни ситуации, както и студенти, които желаят да развият своите компетенции за по-нататъшно обучение. Курсът по общ английски език се основава на популярната серия учебни книжки Cutting Edge с допълнителни задачи и материали, които са предназначени да задоволят нуждите на студента.
Astley is the place where English learning meets the authentic Australian experience and where you not only get to improve your language skills, but also become part of a supportive community of students and staff who are always here to look after you. Conveniently located in the heart of Sydney, our college provides quality courses which nurture students to become successful communicators in English and to be well-prepared if they wish to further their studies in vocational training (VET) and Higher Education courses. Here at Astley we believe that in order to have successful outcomes, the whole learning process should be enjoyable and meaningful. Our campus is spacious with a friendly atmosphere. Our qualified teachers prepare engaging activities in and out of the classroom to help you reach your language goals. All of our staff members are approachable and ready to offer any assistance you may need to make your time here rewarding and worthwhile. Through encouragement and motivation, we deliver good sound education to enable our students to develop into successful and contributing members of the community. Students can choose between our General English Courses and IELTS Preparation Courses. There are two timetables, a day timetable and an evening timetable. The day timetable runs from Monday to Wednesday, from 08.30am to 4.15pm with three breaks to socialise and eat with other students. The night timetable runs Monday to Friday, from 5.15pm to 9,30pm, with one 15-minute break to socialise and recharge. We all know that language learning doesn’t just happen in the classroom! Our lessons combine different materials and techniques to cover all different aspects of English, but you still need to put in practice what you learn in the real world. This is why we supplement our curriculum with exciting electives and special skill classes, to help students in the areas they feel less confident in. We focus on subjects such as pronunciation and speaking, business English, media and film, Australian life and culture, presentation, debate, and much more. Life is never dull at Astley. Our staff is incredibly dynamic, and always looking for ways to enhance your student experience. We make sure to organise as many social activities and excursions as possible for our students, both during the week and at the weekend, so that everyone gets a chance to put their newly learnt language skills in a real context – all while exploring beautiful Sydney and Australia at the same time!
19,429 лева discount for all courses from 1-52 weeks until 31 Mar 2025 Show details »
ntensive General English (CRICOS CODE: 099975D) for ALL VISAS - Course Delivery Students are provided with the best learning tools in a safe, academically focused and friendly environment to enable them to achieve their academic goals. This is achieved through engaging them in well-prepared and structured face-to-face lessons delivered by qualified, experienced teachers and also through immersing the students in the language by providing interactive and cultural activities focusing on developing language proficiency and fluency. A practical and communicative format is encouraged in the classroom setting enabling the students to share and develop the skills they need to achieve their individual learning goals. The Language Academy operates a comparatively smaller size of class at the school, which will enable a more personalized approach to achieving learner outcomes. In smaller groups, students will be kept fully involved and motivated by participating actively throughout each lesson. Students will have quality learning experiences with their achievement of outcomes in the classroom as the over-riding goal, but will also be offered a wide variety of extra-curricular activities where they can fully experience how to apply their language skills in a practical way. - Lesson structure Classrooms are modern, bright learning spaces complete with whiteboard, audio-visual equipment and courses are delivered based on a course workbook specific to the level and needs of each class. Each week will have a theme and specific grammar structures presented to the students in the form of clear, well-structured lessons focusing on main grammar points. Students will also be equipped with topic-specific vocabulary via the thematic approach. Lessons will be based on the textbook “Face to Face” and a “PPP” approach, “Present, Practice, and Produce” will be taken. Each lesson will focus on a specific “Learner Outcome”. Students will be given varied exercises to utilize all four macro-skills so they have a chance to use each of the grammar points in a receptive way by engaging in listening and reading exercises, as well as a productive way by actively participating in speaking activities and writing tasks. During the “practice” phase of each lesson, students will be encouraged to be active and productive in their practical use of the target grammar structures and vocabulary presented. Students will be given ample opportunity to use the new grammar structures in a creative and individual way by offering real- life or simulated situations in which they can practice using their new knowledge in order to gain confidence. As the lessons will follow a logical sequence progressing from the known to the unknown, from the simple to the complex, the students will develop their skills and have a sense of building on their knowledge in a step-by-step process. Review lessons will be given at the end of every week so as to maximize the students’ success and to help them to prepare for any progress tests or level-up tests.
The hosts are located in Sydney and surrounding areas.
short 15 minute ferry ride across the iconic harbour from Sydney City, Manly is a world away from the hustle of the business district. Lexis Sydney sits right in front of the golden sands of Manly Beach, part of the beachfront strip containing some of Sydney’s most popular cafes, restaurants and bars. Manly is the birthplace of Australian surfing and still is one of the world’s premier surfing breaks, with professionals and beginners alike drawn from far and wide by the fantastic waves and the beachside lifestyle that Manly offers. With short travel time to homestays and student accommodation and plenty of part time work opportunities. Lexis Sydney offers the very best of the city and the beach!
От блестящото синьо пристанище на Сидни, което е оградено от нашия световноизвестен мост Harbour Bridge, архитектурно зашеметяващата опера, до оживеното сърце на бизнес центъра на града. Със своите великолепни градски и крайградски плажове, градини, паркове и оживен социален център, Сидни предлага на пътешественика несравнима гама от преживявания, а на студента - идеална обстановка за изучаване на английски език в Австралия.
Харесвам уменията как да преподавам. Защото учителят е добре да даде на учениците мотивация защо искат да учат английски. Учителят беше пълен с енергия и мъдрост. Така че съм много щастлив да познавам тези хора, които мога да свържа отново.... more
Прекарах страхотно в колежа Астли Курсовете бяха много интересни Учителите бяха наистина страхотни Имаше много добра атмосфера в класа с много други другари от различни националности Има различни нива, които ви позволяват да се развивате... more
Независимо дали сте студент, занимавате се с бизнес или просто турист, в Сидни има езиков курс, който е подходящ за Вас. Ние предлагаме курсове по английски език за всички нива, възрасти и продължителност. Изберете вид курс от списъка по-долу, за да започнете.