Samiad works in partnership with UK boarding schools to offer children and young adults the opportunity to improve their English in a fun and engaging environment, whilst also enjoying the culture and history the UK has to offer. Our Summer schools offer a wide range of fun, safe activities and diverse excursions. We aim to provide you with the opportunity to try new experiences and make friends with people all over the world. Samiad provides: • 5 world class boarding school campuses • Excellent facilities including IT suites, library, theatres, climbing walls and swimming pools • 15 hours English language tuition per week with highly qualified EFL teachers • 24 hour supervision with a market leading staff to student ratio of 1:6 • Unique high value trips to the most famous locations and attractions across the UK • An action-packed sports and activities schedule • Nominated for the coveted ST star awards under 18’s course of the year • Specialisms in Football, Golf, Tennis, Performing Arts, Robotics and Coding, Art (NEW for 2024), Horse Riding, Multi-activities or extra English NEW for 2024: London Explorer programme!
Millfield School is one of the UK's leading co-educational independent schools. It is a centre of excellence for academic study, sport and the Arts, and has a vast variety of facilities. The Millfield English Language Holiday Courses take place in the Summer holidays. In 2019 the courses attracted over 1500 students aged 6-17 years from 63 different countries many of whom return year after year. The Holiday Courses are accredited by the British Council and are members of English UK. Millfield is also a Trinity, LanguageCert and a Cambridge examination centre and has had an enviable success rate with exam results. Currently, there are two campuses and they both join together to create one big family at various times throughout the course. All students have 15 hours of English Language tuition per week in small classes in the mornings. In the afternoons they can enjoy either extra English tuition, a sport or specialist activity of their choice or our extensive sport and recreation programme. Excursions include trips to London, Cardiff, Oxford and Bristol, and days out to the local coastal resorts and action packed days at some of the UK’s best Theme Parks.
Независимо дали сте студент, занимавате се с бизнес или просто турист, в Wells има езиков курс, който е подходящ за Вас. Ние предлагаме курсове по английски език за всички нива, възрасти и продължителност. Изберете вид курс от списъка по-долу, за да започнете.
Общите курсове по английски език за възрастни, които искат да подобрят своето говорене, слушане, четене и писане на английски език. За повечето курсове е необходима виза и изискват възраст над 16 години. Продължителността на курсовете е от 2 до 48 седмици. Повечето курсове предлагат учебни занятия по 30 часа седмично.
Младежки курсове по английски език са подходящ за деца на възраст между 4 и 18 години, които желаят да изучават английски през лятото. Продължителността на курсовете е от 4 до 8 седмици.
Специализирани курсове по английски език за тези, които искат да учат английски език и да участват в дейности, като спорт, изкуство, храна, и др.